Yesterday I posted about one of the two sessions from last week's Leadership Summit that really minsitered to me. The other session was given by Jeff Manion who pastors Ada Bible Church in Ada, Michigan. Actually, the story of how Jeff became one of the speakers at this year's Summit connected with my spirit as much as his presenation - but I won't go into that.
Jeff spoke on The Land Between describing that time period when Israel wandered through the desert under the leadership of Moses for 40 years after leaving their lives of slavery in Egypt. Those were years when the people resisted the leadership of Moses, when people sinned, when people wanted to go back to Egypt. The "land between" slavery in Egypt and the Promised Land were diffucult but important years. Jeff shared that it is during the times of our lives when we are in "the land between" that we find:
God's Provision
God's Discipline
God's Growth
This connected with me because I am understanding in many different areas of my life what "the land between" is like. And Jeff is right - I am discovering in powerful ways God's provision; God's discipline; and God's growth. Here are a couple of quotes Jeff made that I wrote in my notes:
"The Children of Israel needed this time in 'the land between' to go from being people of slavery to people of God."
"When you are in 'the land between' you need to replace 'complaint' with 'trust.'"
"The place in your life you most resent is the very soil where God does some of His richest and deepest work."
This book, The Land Between, by Jeff Manion, is another book I will be reading very soon.
This was one of my favorite sessions, Scott. I was thinking what a great message this would be for so many people to hear, especially in light of the current economy. From coast to coast, this nation is filled with people who can't see God's lovingkindness in the desert places. Christ was sent into the wilderness to be tested. We too are experiencing the testing of our faith. Will we return to enslavement in Egypt or persevere in faith and hope, trusting in the provision of the Lord until that glorious day when He brings us into the Promised Land?
Exactly, Steve! Thanks for commenting. I appreciate you and your ministry here at Grace!
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