As I was down at Liberty University last week dropping off my kids, I spent some time walking around the Jerry Falwell memorial (pictured above). At the very bottom, outside of the memorial, I noticed 4 placards I had never seen before. Each placard contained a quote from Dr Falwell. These quotes brought back a lot of memories as in my 4 years at Liberty I heard Dr Falwell say these quotes many, many times. And once again, they each connected with my heart and soul:
"You do not determine a man's greatness by his talent or wealth, as the world does, but rather by what it takes to discourage him."
"Life is filled with glorious opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems."
"God is not impressed with buildings, budgets or programs. The only thing in the world that inpresses God is people."
"Never quit."
I have been to the memorial many times, and like you, those quotes bring back many memories. I miss him greatly, but I am so impressed with how his sons have taken the reigns and moved forward. I truly believe there is no greater University in our country.
Amen, James! It aboslutley amazes me the impact that one man who really has faith can have. I know how Dr Falwell's influence greatly impacted me and there are literally thousands and thousands of others who would have similar stories and who are now impacting tens of thousands of others as a result. I also agree about Jerry Jr and Jonathan. They are doing an awesome job and that is probably the greatest lllustration of Dr Falwell's success - there is no greater joy than to see your children walk in truth. Blessings to you, brother.
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