I always find it interesting to hear what other people are reading. Currently I am reading (at least partially reading) several books including the following:
The Land Between - Finding God in Difficult Transitions
By Jeff Manion
Zondervan Publishing
Total Forgiveness
By R.T. Kendall
Charisma House Publishing
When Life is Hard
By James McDonald
Moody Publishers
No More Christian Nice Guy
By Paul Coughlin
Bethany House Publishers
And for my personal time in Scripture right now I am focusing my reading and study on the life of Joseph from the Old Testament which begins in Genesis 37.
What Are You Reading?
The Land Between - Finding God in Difficult Transitions
By Jeff Manion
Zondervan Publishing
Total Forgiveness
By R.T. Kendall
Charisma House Publishing
When Life is Hard
By James McDonald
Moody Publishers
No More Christian Nice Guy
By Paul Coughlin
Bethany House Publishers
And for my personal time in Scripture right now I am focusing my reading and study on the life of Joseph from the Old Testament which begins in Genesis 37.
What Are You Reading?
Desiring God - John Piper
The Heart of Evangelism - Jerram Barrs
Crazy Love - Fancis Chan
I have a ton of books in my "to be read" pile! But right now I'm almost through Andy Stanley's "The Grace of God". After that I'm either going to start Steven Furtick's "Sun Stand Still" or a book that your lovely wife let me borrow by Sheila Walsh "Get Off Your Knees and Pray".
I also have "The Land Between" that you mentioned in my extended pile to be read. :) And I've already read them, but Pete Wilson's "Plan B" and Craig Groeschel's "The Christian Atheist" are really great too!
There are so many good books out there to glean from, but above all else, I've been diving into the Gospels this month. There's nothing that compares to reading words directly from our great God and focusing on Christ and His life and example.
Thanks for sharing, Ann. Those are 3 great authors. I know God will use thsoe books in your life. Out of curioisty, what are you reading in Scripture right now?
Hi Amy! You sound like me - I have a list of "I should read these books" that probably in a pile would stand taller than me. So, what is the main thing God is teaching you from your time in the Gospels?
I think this time reading through the Gospels one thing I've been seeing even more is how people's reactions to Christ's presence, message, and truth are drastically different. There's a marked difference between people who "GET IT" and those who just don't. Even at the very beginning, Mary's reaction is one of trust, whereas Zechariah's is one of skepticism. And then when Jesus says "follow me", the disciples drop everything and go with him. But the pharisees and teachers were self-righteous and hardened to the truth...the exact opposite reaction. How does that even happen? But I know it's still happening today.
More than anything, I want to follow God's leading in my own life, but a lot of times I have no idea what that is. I go through seasons of doubt or confusion or pain or trials, and it's not easy to TRUST all the time. So it's also been encouraging to be reminded that Christ's closest friends and companions dealt with a lot of those same issues. The key is that they continued to follow Christ's leading through all of it even when they didn't have a clue what was going on. And even when Peter does the unthinkable and turns his back on Him, Jesus is there loving him and ready to welcome him back.
Thank you, God, for grace and mercy and overwhelming love!!
Your Blog :) Thank you so much for showing compassion in sharing your life with all of us during your time of trial. Your Blogs have always been a blessing. I recently finished "Love Me Never Leave Me" Marilyn Meberg. Started "Free Inside and Out" Marilyn Meberg and Luci Swindoll and I am reading Ephesians, praying I would live my life like someone who is dearly loved. Being Kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God Has Forgiven Me. Thank you for teaching me to love God. I am excited to see who else God has in store for you to teach. There are many Alisa's out there who need to see God's grace! God Bless you and your beautiful family!
Pastor Scott,
I've been reading and studying 1 Peter. What I find interesting is that Peter says the Apostle Paul has some "hard sayings". Peter also has his share:-) I'm really enjoying the study.
Amy and Anne - thanks so much for sharing even more! I loved reading both comments.
Alisa - Thank you so much for your great encouragement to me, my wife and our kids. We sure love you!
I have been reading How Christ Centered Unity Can End Church Division by Francis Fragipane, I think that's how its spelled. I've been reading it off and on for a while now. For whatever reason last January God put it on my heart to study and learn more about church unity. I love the story of Joseph. I read through it last year. Great stuff from that story. I'm happy to see you blogging again.
Hi Larry! Always good to hear from my OGBC friends! What an important topic for you to be reading about! Blessings to you and your family!
I just finished reading Ecclesiastes. It happens to be one of my favorite old testament books. And I'm rereading Attachments- Why You Love, Feel And Act The Way You Do by Dr. Tim Clinton & Dr. Gary Sibcy. Both teach at Liberty U. It has been the most insightful and revealing book about relationships I think I've ever read.
Ecclesiastes is a wonderful book of the Bible, Craig - it really puts life into perspective. The "Attachments" book sounds like a good read as well! Blessings, brother!
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