Like snowflakes, no two people's fingerprints are alike. Our fingerprints are one of the best exact ways to identify who we are and where we have been. Over the last month, my wife and I have gotten into the daily habit of looking for and identifying the fingerprints of God.
What are the fingerprints of God? To us, they are those little things (and sometimes big things - more like a "palm print") that happen in our lives or in our day that clearly identify the presence of God. It is the fingerprints of God through which the Lord communicates to us the following,
"Don't worry! I'm here! I have your back! I'm not nervous about your situation so neither should you be! I am still in control and I still have a wonderful plan for your lives. Just trust me!"
Obviously, the clearest way we see the fingerprints of God is through the Bible. You want to see evidence of God in your life? You want encouragement in the midst of your uncertainty? You want the peace and comfort of God in the "waiting" times of your life? If so, then look first and foremost to the Word of God.
But we also have learned to see the fingerprints of God in other ways as well. We have seen God's fingerprints in:
Encouraging emails, cards, calls and visits!
His providential care of our material needs!
His perfect timing in certain encounters!
His leading to specific websites!
His leading pastors to preach on certain topics!
And we have seen God's fingerprints in many other ways as well. It has been the best lesson we have learned over the past month - how to look for and identify the fingerprints of God, take encouragement from them, and joyfully thank Him for His presence and goodness in our lives.
Before we had company come in from out of town, Laura and I would brew some caramel flavored decaf coffee at the end of the day and sit out on the back porch and reminisce about the ways we had seen the fingerprints of God that day while we enjoyed our coffee in the cool of the evening. I had shared this with a friend and he and his wife brought us some great tasting coffee along with two specially made mugs that had the picture of a big fingerprint on them with the words, "GOD'S FINGERPRINTS."
God's fingerprints and coffee - it's hard to imagine a better way to end the day no matter what circumstances you might be going through in life.
thanks for blogging - it's good to hear from you! I hope you continue to keep in touch this way.
Thanks, Dori! I hope to start blogging again about 3 days a week or so. We sure appreciate your encouragement! Please give my best to your family!
Good to read your blog again Scott. We miss you a lot!
Thanks, Craig! We sure miss all of you as well! Blessings to you, my friend!
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