My heart always has been and always will be to see the local Church used of God to reach out to their community and meet as many people as possible right where they are at while helping to move them closer to where God wants them to be. I firmly believe that evangelism must be the engine that drives the church. Recently I have seen two local churches in the Lititz are making strides to do just that.
Have you seen the "DARKNESS REVEALED" yard signs around the area? The Lititz United Methodist Church is borrowing a page from what we did at Grace Church last Easter with our FACE YOUR FEARS campaign. We put nearly 1,000 FACE YOUR FEARS yard signs around the area with a special website on it which invited people to our FACE YOUR FEARS message series that started on Easter Sunday. We had over 10,000 hits to the website and a record attendance at church that Easter (well over 2600 people). The Lititz United Methodist Church is following the same pattern and both the signs and the website look very effective. I am greatly encouraged to see another church using this same idea (after all, nearly every great idea I have ever used in ministry I borrowed from another church). I sent them an email congratulating them on their efforts and wishing them God's blessing as they purposefully reach out to their community.
I also received a very attractive brochure in the mail from the Speedwell Forge Church advertising their new message series, GAME CHANGER. I too sent their pastor an email congratulating them and wishing them God's blessing. I received a very encouraging email back from him sharing that they had just recently went to two morning worship services and just last Sunday they had about a dozen guests connected directly or indirectly to the mailing. Praise the Lord!
So "hats off" to the Lititz United Methodist Church and the Speedwell Forge Church in the area for their efforts to reach their community through the local church!
The yards signs are a great way to spark people's curiosity. I know when we had them at our house, it started conversations with our neighbors. I even had a man pull into my yard and questions it. Gave me an opportunity to invite him to church.
You are so right, Diane. That was the best part of the yard signs - they made it much easier for those in the church to invite others to our Easter services. Actually the whole idea came from a dear fiend of mine in the church whose name is Rick Glass. Thanks for commenting. Blessings to you.
This is actually hilarious because Rick Glass got the idea from someone else!!
Mr. or Ms. Anonymous is right! Many of the good ideas come from much smarter people than I - that's for sure!
Dont' sell yourself short, Mr.Glass! You are one of the best "ideas" people I know!!! What a thrill it has been to partner with you for the cause of Christ! Keep those ideas coming - I will always be open to using them whether their your originals or ones you borrowed from someone else.
Thank you for the positive, growth infused, and uplifting comment!
Ah, Kyle! It was very tempting!
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