Hello, Everyone! I just thought I'd give you a quick update on our family since resigning from our minsitry last month.
The kids got home early this morning for Fall Break from Liberty. It was quite an adventure. Joy's car blew an engine 30 minutes out of Liberty. My father-in-law and I left at 5pm Wednesday night to make the 650 mile round trip to pick then up and got back home safe at 3:30am on Thursday. I then spent most of the day today looking for a used engine for her Honda CRV - actually got one from Japan. it is being shipped to Lynchburg where it will be put into her vehicle. But we are just thankful that everyone is safe and that we have a few days together as a family before they head back to Lynchburg, Va on Sunday.
Speaking of in-laws, Laura's parents have been with us for several weeks now and it has been an amazing blessing to have such family love, encouragement and support. They will leave on Sunday, taking the kids back to Liberty in their Motor Home, and then they will head west to their home in Colorado.
All in all we are doing fine. Some days are harder than others, as you can imagine, but God is certainly good all the time and each and every day we see His fingerprints in our lives which makes us truly thankful. We are trusting God daily to open up the right next door of ministry for us in His timing.
Above are a couple of pictures we took over the last two days that we needed to send to one of the ministries that we are in contact with. Thanks again for the many calls, visits, dinner invites, notes, cards, emails, food and more that we have received. We appreciate the love and the encouragement. Again, if you did not see it earlier, my new email is skdistler@gmail.com
I think that should be "blowded" her engine.
Its great to see those Distler smiles! Still praying; love you all.
Thanks, much! Blessings to you all!
It's great to see pictures of your beautiful family! I haven't checked your blog in awhile, so I'm catching up... Hope you and Laura are doing well. We've been thinking of you and praying for you often. I know God has great things in store for you and will continue to do His work through you.
Thank you so much, Suzanne, for your very kind and encouraging words. We continue to wait on the Lord to make clear the next ministry step He has for us. In the meantime we are thankful for the way we see His fingerprints in our loves daily! Blessings to you, Suzanne!
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