I have heard vision defined as "A picture of the future that produces passion today." Well, get ready for some passion here at Gaylord E-Free Church because the Elder Board has officially launched a Vision Task Force that begins meeting today in order to put together a clear 3-year vision for Gaylord E-Free for the years 2013, 2014 and 2015.
Earlier our Elder Board, Leadership Team and Ministry Staff (who together I like to refer to as the "Three Legged Stool of Leadership" here at Gaylord E-Free) enthusiastically adopted a ministry purpose that we call "Meeting & Moving." Our purpose as a church is to MEET as many people as possible right where they are at and to help MOVE them to where God wants them to be. We will be taking 6 full weeks beginning Sunday, February 26 to present this "Meeting & Moving" concept to our entire church family. I'm sure that our church will be just as excited about this direction as our Elders, Leadership Team and Ministry Staff are about it.
The Vision Task Force is charged with answering this question, "What are we as a church going to do over the next three years to MEET and MOVE as many people as possible?" In making this charge to the Vision Task Force the Elder Board has said that there are no parameters. We have been given the freedom to dream big. They have also told the Vision Task Force not to let money limit the vision. We believe that whatever God calls us to do He will provide us with the funds to do it. They have also said that the Vision Task Force is not to simply look at our church as a community church or even as a county church, but rather we are to look at how our church can reach all of northern Michigan for Jesus (How amazing it is to have an Elder Board with this kind of passion and vision for the church!)!
The Vision Task Force is made up of 9 people. This includes the 3 leaders of the "Three Legged Stool" (The Elder Chairman, The Church Chairman, and myself as the Lead Pastor). Along with the three of us there are two additional Elders on the Vision Task Force, two additional Leadership Team members, and two additional ministry staff members. Each month the members of the Vision Task Force will give an update to our Elders, Leadership Team and Ministry Staff so that we are always getting their feedback and input.
This Vision Task Force begins meeting TODAY and will meet every other Tuesday until our job is complete. The goal is to be able to bring our finalized vision plan to the Elder Board for approval on August 5 so that we can then present it to our entire church family. Please pray for this Task Force. Pray that each person on this team will be able to "check their preferences" at the door. Our goal as individual Vision Task Force members is not to get "our agenda" for the next 3 years of our church adopted. Our goal is to come together as a Vision Task Force and discover together what we believe God wants Gaylord E-Free to accomplish!
Excited to hear and watch from afar of how God is already, and will be continuing to use Gaylord E-Free!
I think with prayer and seeking God's hand in movement. This will work!! With your permission I would like to post this in the Prayer Warriors Facebook Group Page so that we can get as many Christians praying about it as possible.
Thanks, Rick! Excited about your trip to Kenya! AWESOME!
Walt - please do! Nothing of eternal importance happens apart from prayer!
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