In my posting yesterday I introduced our new message series that begins this Sunday that we are calling “Meeting & Moving: A Purpose That Melts In Your Mouth!” Here is how this new M&M series will pan out during each week of this 6-week series here at Gaylord E-Free:
February 26 will be an introduction week before Vision Month begins. We will see this week from Habakkuk 2:1-2 and Acts 1:8 the importance of “vision.” We will also use this week to explain a formula (HP + CP + CC = MI) that will be the serial number on the engine of the train up on the stage. We will end this Sunday by introducing the MEETING & MOVING concept.
March 4 we will examine in detail the account of Jesus and the “Woman at the Well” seen in John 4, seeing Jesus MEETING this woman right where she was. We will see His MEETING her geographically. We will see His MEETING her spiritually. And we will see His MEETING her culturally. We will talk about what it takes for us as individuals and for we as a church to MEET as many people as possible right where they are.
March 11 we will continue in John 4 seeing how Jesus MET this woman but how He MOVES her to where God wants her to be. We will see her go from seeing Jesus as a Jew, to seeing Him as a prophet, to seeing Him as the Messiah. We will then identify “6 levels” in our spiritual journey (the 6 train stations on stage). Every person inside and outside of the church is on one of these levels in their spiritual journey. We will see our need as a church, after MEETING people at whatever level they are, to then help MOVE them to the next level, closer to where God wants them to be.
March 18 and March 25 we will look at two MEETING & MOVING (M&M) stories in the Bible. On March 18 we will look at an Old Testament M&M story involving a woman named Rahab. On March 25 we will look at a New Testament M&M story involving a man named Levi (later called Matthew). In both cases we will see how God MET these individuals right where they were and then MOVED them to where He wanted them to be!
We will then use April 1 as a bridge week between Vision Month and Easter as we look at the topic, “God’s Favorite Type of Candy!” Of course, this is referring to M&M’s and we will see this from the parable of the lost coin and the parable of the lost sheep that is recorded in Luke’s Gospel.
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