It's Friday which is my day off. So instead of one theme in my posting today, here are some random thoughts bouncing around in my mind as another work week ends and another weekend begins:
One of my favorite parts of Life Group is listening to people pray for each other (although the chicken enchiladas that Pam brought to group last night was a very close second!)!
Looking forward to spending my day off today with my wife!
Been thinking a lot this past week about the need we each have to "finish well" spiritually and praying for someone who is currently not on the road to "finishing well!"
Can't wait for Sunday at Gaylord E-Free. I believe God is going to do something very special!
Next week is my "study week!" I spend time each week studying for sermons and classes but I set aside one week a month for nothing but study. It is always a wonderful week of learning and inspiration!
My heart is very soft toward pastors who are hurting. I'm praying today for several of them by name that God would encourage, protect and lead them!
I love it when God surprises me - when I am expecting something "bad" but it ends up being really, really good! That happened to me on Thursday!
This weekend I should be able to check off a couple of really big items from my "to do" list!
Looking forward to BBQ ribs on Saturday!
Our staff here at Gaylord E-Free will be spending all morning this coming Monday participating together in a team building experience! Should be fun!
One year ago last weekend I candidated here at the Gaylord E-Free Church. One year ago this coming weekend I received an official call asking me to become their new Lead Pastor!
I have a very strong feeling that during the month of March I am going to be craving Peanut M&M's on a regular basis!
I'm excited to be able to vote in Michigan's presidential primary later this month while the race is still up for grabs. In past states where I have lived, by the time our primaries rolled around the primary races were already decided. I'm pretty sure who I will be voting for on that day but I still could be persuaded otherwise!
Pitchers and catchers report to Spring Training next week! I love baseball!
Happy Anniversary! So glad you are here at E-Free.
Thanks, Connie! Many blessings to you!
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