With this post, allow me to be contradictory of my last several posts. As I shared some thoughts this week that stuck out to me from this year's Leadership Summit I talked about some great books I need to read. Now let me take a U-TURN! I got thinking this week about this question:
"What would happen if for one full year the only book all followers of Jesus read was the Bible?"
Now don't get me wrong - I see the value of books. I really do! I believe the old adage that "if you want to be a leader you must be a reader." But sometimes I find myself getting excited about a principle I read in a book and suddenly I am ready to drop everything and change course because of that book - and they aren't always Christian books. What if I had that same attitude toward the Bible. When was the last time I was ready to drop everything and turn my life upside down because of something I read in the Bible? So again I ask the question:
"What would happen if for one full year the only book all followers of Jesus read was the Bible?"
Would our lives be any different at the end of that year? Would our marriages be any different at the end of that year? Would our churches be any different at the end of that year? Would our nation be any different at the end of that year? Would our world be any different at the end of that year?
Sometimes U-TURNS our good!
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