I’m sure, to his older brother’s dismay, David convinces King Saul that he is the man to fight Goliath. Now remember that Saul was the ultimate one who should have been willing to fight the giant. Not only was he the leader and king, the Bible teaches us that size-wise, he was head and shoulders above every other man in Israel. But his fear instead allowed him to send a boy out to fight in his place. But the least he could do was send David into that valley wearing the king’s armor. I find this hysterically absurd. Saul, the tallest man in Israel actually puts his armor on a teenage boy. Give me a break. Saul was like a 52 long – David just a 36 regular.
David quickly realizes that Saul’s armor won’t work. But that is fine – he didn’t have that armor when he took on the lion or the bear either. So, armed just with his slingshot and his staff, David goes out to prepare himself. He heads down to the brook that ran near the Valley of Elah. I’ve been to that brook. It is dry most of the time. The only time it really has water in it is after a quick and heavy rain. There, David picks out 5 smooth stones and put them in his satchel. His is now ready to face Goliath.
But why 5 stones? Was he simply preparing himself in case his aim was off? Did he just want to be sure that if he needed to reload he would be able to? Possibly. But I think the main reason that David picked up 4 extra stones is because he had heard that Goliath, the great giant from Gath, had 4 other brothers who were also pretty daunting in size. If those rascals were going to come after David for revenge, he would have one spare stone available to him for each of Goliath’s siblings.
Now, fully armed with staff, slingshot and stone, he descended down the hillside toward the giant who was ready. When Goliath saw him he became angry. Was King Saul really sending out a boy? What kind of king was he? What kind of army did he have? What kind of God did he serve? Goliath’s anger resulted in his resolve to teach Saul, Israel and this boy a lesson by killing David and feeding his flesh to the birds of the air.
Yet, David remained committed and confident in his God. Now we see lesson number four. If we are going to face the giants in our life, we must also have COURAGE for God. David did. Look at his words in 1 Samuel 17:45-7:
“I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands and I will strike you down and remove your head from you…for the battle is the Lord’s!”
And then comes the best part in verse 48. Try to imagine it - “Then…David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine!’
David RAN toward Goliath! David could face his giant because of his CONFIDENCE in God.
David quickly realizes that Saul’s armor won’t work. But that is fine – he didn’t have that armor when he took on the lion or the bear either. So, armed just with his slingshot and his staff, David goes out to prepare himself. He heads down to the brook that ran near the Valley of Elah. I’ve been to that brook. It is dry most of the time. The only time it really has water in it is after a quick and heavy rain. There, David picks out 5 smooth stones and put them in his satchel. His is now ready to face Goliath.
But why 5 stones? Was he simply preparing himself in case his aim was off? Did he just want to be sure that if he needed to reload he would be able to? Possibly. But I think the main reason that David picked up 4 extra stones is because he had heard that Goliath, the great giant from Gath, had 4 other brothers who were also pretty daunting in size. If those rascals were going to come after David for revenge, he would have one spare stone available to him for each of Goliath’s siblings.
Now, fully armed with staff, slingshot and stone, he descended down the hillside toward the giant who was ready. When Goliath saw him he became angry. Was King Saul really sending out a boy? What kind of king was he? What kind of army did he have? What kind of God did he serve? Goliath’s anger resulted in his resolve to teach Saul, Israel and this boy a lesson by killing David and feeding his flesh to the birds of the air.
Yet, David remained committed and confident in his God. Now we see lesson number four. If we are going to face the giants in our life, we must also have COURAGE for God. David did. Look at his words in 1 Samuel 17:45-7:
“I come to you in the name of the Lord of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the Lord will deliver you up into my hands and I will strike you down and remove your head from you…for the battle is the Lord’s!”
And then comes the best part in verse 48. Try to imagine it - “Then…David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine!’
David RAN toward Goliath! David could face his giant because of his CONFIDENCE in God.
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