I could blog all month on different thoughts from last week's Leadership Summit, but let me wrap up any Summit related postings by sharing the three types of people that are in every leader's life. This came in the closing session From Bishop T.D. Jakes.
CONFIDANTS - These are people who are for you. They are for you in the good times and the bad times. They are for you because you are you. Bishop Jakes said that if you find three people like this in your lifetime, you are very rich.
Who are the confidants in my life? Who are the confidants in your life?
CONSTITUENTS - These are people who are for what you are for. Don't make the mistake of thinking that these people are for you. They aren't. They are for what you are for and when that commonality ends, constituents will no longer be for you at all.
Who are the constituents in my life? Who are the constituents in your life?
COMRADES - These are people who are against what you are against. Again, don't make the mistake of thinking these people are for you - they're not. They aren't even for what youa re for. They are simply against what you are against. That is what brings them to your side. Bishop Jakes described these folks as fighters and warned that if you don't direct their fighting in a proper direction they will ultimately fight against you.
Why are the comrades in my life? Who are the comrades in your life?
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