I once heard someone new to the church being asked why they had chosen to
start attending. Their answer was
simple, “Because I always find a reason to laugh!”I think that’s great.Actually, laughing is one of my most favorite
things to do.The only home that I can think
of that would be worse to grow up in than a home that never heard music would
be a home that never heard laughter.Now, I realize that there is also a place for seriousness in church, but
let’s not underestimate the spiritual, emotional and physical value there is to
laughing…even in church!
According to
information on the Discover Health Website, by the time a child reaches nursery
school, he or she will laugh about 300
times a day. Guess how many times a day
an average adult laughs? Only 17 giggles a day, and that's just not
enough. We need to laugh, and we need to laugh on a regular basis. Proverbs 17:22 says, "A
merry heart does good like medicine." In other words, laughter is good for your
body. Laughter actually stimulates circulation, produces a sense of well-being,
exercises the face and stomach muscles, stimulates the production of endorphins
(the body's natural painkillers), and provides oxygen to the brain, to name just
a few benefits.
According to
an article called the "Science of Laughter" on the Discovery Health
Website, natural killer cells that destroy tumors and viruses are increased
when we laugh, along with Gamma-interferon, which is a disease-fighting
protein. In addition, T-cells which are important to our immune system and
B-cells that produce disease-fighting antibodies also increase in number when
we laugh. Plus, laughter has been known to lower a person's blood
Laughter is
good for your heart. According to a
study at the University of Maryland Medical Center, laughter may actually help
prevent heart disease. The study found
that people with heart disease were 40 percent less likely to laugh in a
variety of situations compared to people of the same age without heart disease.
Laughter, along with an active sense of humor, may help protect you against
heart disease.
Laughter is
a good workout: It has been proven that hearty laughter actually burns
calories, as many as equivalent to several minutes on a rowing machine or an
exercise bike. Laughter can also enhance
learning: Laughter stimulates both sides of the brain to enhance
learning. In fact, laughter eases muscle tension and psychological stress,
which keeps the brain alert and allows people to retain more information.
suggest that we need a minimum of 12
laughs per day just to stay healthy. So, go ahead. laugh it up. Charles Swindol wrote, “I think it is just as sacred to
laugh as it is to pray, or preach, or to witness.” Barbara Johnson said, “Love
may make the world go round, but laughter keeps you from getting dizzy.” I agree!
Psalm 126:2 states, “Our mouth was filled with laughter.” I hope that is always one of the
characteristics of the church I pastor!
I spent some time this week with my wife and her parents up in the Upper Peninsula here in Michigan. I have grown to really love spending time in the U.P. and this week was no exception - especially with the fall colors sitting at about 40% of peak! But it appears that I may not be the only one who loves spending time in the beauty of the U.P.
One night we were at a scenic overlook in Munising, overlooking the great Lake Superior where we met two gentleman doing some video taping. As we got talking to them we discovered that they both worked with the cable television station - The Animal Planet, and they were in the Munising are of the Upper Peninsula looking for evidence of BIG FOOT! No - I am not kidding!!!
These guys were from southern California but travel all over the world following sightings of BIG FOOT. And, yes, there has been sightings in recent years of this creature in the Hiawatha National Forest in the U.P. I have to be honest - learning this information didn't do me a lot of good on those nightly walks from the camper to the bath house in the pitch black with noises all around me in the woods!
So, is BIG FOOT real? I haven't the foggiest idea! I can tell you that I personally did not run into him (or maybe it's a her) during my week up north (for which I am very, very thankful!)!
But let's be honest - weird experiences do happen. Many people have had experiences where they have been visited by a dead relative. Others tell of hearing the voice of a dead relative. Still others tell of feeling the presence of dead relatives. Some can share stories in which it appears that a dead relative gave them a physical sign of some sort. These experiences are real, but what exactly are they?
Last week, as we started our new series, "Mythbusters: Are Ghosts Real?" I answered the
question with a definite YES! The spirit world
is teeming with life. God is a spirit. The third person of the
Trinity is the Holy Spirit. God created countless spirit beings called
angels, many of which fell and became demons. The spirit of every person
since Adam who has ever been conceived and died still exists. The truth
is that there is more life in the spirit world than there is in the physical
But how does this play into these kinds of visitation experiences? Is it possible
for the spirits of dead people to return to the physical world? This week we will look beyond experiences to the pages of the Word of God to answer this question. I hope you will join us through the following avenues:
ATTEND! We have 3 services this Sunday here at Gaylord E-Free Church! We have a Classic service that is more traditional in style at 9am in the Chapel. We then have two Contemporary Services in the Gospel Center at 9am and 10:30am.
LISTEN! Our 9am Contemporary Service is broadcast live on the radio on The Eagle (101.5 FM) here in Northern Michigan. Beginning by Monday afternoon, you can also listen to the audio of the message at our church website (www.gaylordefree.org).
I'm not sure I can answer the question, "Is BIG FOOT real?" However, I am pretty certain that I can answer the question, "Do the spirits of the dead ever return to the land of the living?" Attend or listen this Sunday to find out!
years ago, a young girl wrote in to the Ann Landers advice column that was in
her local newspaper with the following question:
“Dear Ann, I
am a 13 year old girl who is tired of getting yelled at by my parents all of
the time. All I hear from morning until
night is, ‘Clean up your room! Pick up
your clothes! Do your homework! Finish your chores!’ How can I get them off my back? Signed, Sick of Parents.”
Ann Landers
wisely responded in this way:
“Dear Sick,
You want to get your parents off of your back?
It’s easy…clean up your room; pick up your clothes, do your homework and
finish your chores!”
Why is it
that so many of us struggle with being obedient and hating sin in our
lives? I think that one of the main
reasons is due to the fact that we do not understand how hunters catch
monkeys. In some regions monkeys are
considered a delicacy and hunting for monkeys is an art. Here is what they do. The take a coconut and cut a hole in the end
of it that is just big enough for a monkey to get its finger and thumb into it,
but if he grabs a piece of the coconut inside, he cannot get his finger and
thumb back out again. They then tie a
coconut to a stake, pound the stake into the ground, and then they go wait in
the bushes.
Sure enough,
a monkey ultimately comes along. He
picks up the coconut and puts his finger and thumb inside the hole, grabbing a
piece of the fruit inside. Try as he
might, the monkey cannot get his finger and thumb back out. He shakes the coconut trying to free it from
the stake. Meanwhile, out of the bushes
come the hunters with their knives, spears, tanks and bazookas. The monkey sees them coming. He knows he is in danger. The monkey knows that all that he has to do
is let go of the piece of coconut inside and scram. But instead, the monkey becomes monkey stew.
Such is the
case with many Christians. We have
coconuts in our lives. These are sins
that we know are displeasing to God. We
know that they are causing us harm. Yet,
we won’t give up the coconuts. What does
it mean to hate and forsake sin in our lives?
It means to take the coconuts that we are hanging on to and to throw
them as far away from us as we possibly can.
So tell me,
is it true in your life? Are there any
coconuts in your life that it’s time to get rid of? Are there any secret sins that you have been
holding on to for far too long? How true
are the words of the Psalmist when he writes, “Blessed is he whose
transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does
not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit” (Psalm
32:1-2). Maybe it’s time to clean up the
room, pick up the clothes, do the homework, and finish the chores.
Who doesn’t like a
party? Not only are they are great way
to enjoy some time with friends, they also can be a wonderful tool to help
people meet Jesus. Who ever knew that
evangelism could be so fun? If you’re
not convinced, just look at the story of Levi in the Gospel of Luke. He’s a tax collector. That would have made him one of the most
hated men in Capernaum. In the culture
of that day, due to their status as traitors, they would have no social
interaction with anyone else who was not also on the same low level as they
Levi, however, meets Jesus
one day and his entire life changes in an instant. And what is the very first thing that he does
afterwards? The Bible says that Levi
gave a big reception in his house. The
Bible also says that there was a great crowd that attended. We are talking lots of people. That tells us that Levi’s house was pretty big
from the money he made as a tax collector.
Let’s break this party down.
According to the Bible,
Jesus is the guest of honor at this party.
But remember, it’s a huge party with lots of people. So who else is there? The Bible says it is a great crowd of other tax
collectors and sinners. That makes
sense. Remember, if you're living in
Israel at that time and Levi the tax collector called you up and said, “Hey,
want to come over to my house for dinner?”
What would your answer have been?
It would have been, “Not on your life!”
No well-respecting Jew would ever go in to the home of a tax
collector. So the only people that tax
collectors could hang around with were other tax collectors who were just as
rotten and nasty as they were. And with
them there were other sinners. This
involved anyone else that wasn't welcomed in society like prostitutes,
swindlers, robbers, and the like. This
party contained the “who's who” of riff raff in Capernaum. Those at this party made up the underbelly of
With that in mind let me
ask you a question. Do you think possibly
there may have been some foul language at this party? Do you think there may have been a few dirty
jokes told at the party? I bet there was
on both accounts. But, yet, here's Levi
and Jesus. And what are they doing? Nowhere in the text is there any evidence
that Jesus preached at this party. Instead,
the only thing it says that He did was to recline at the table with the guests. Keep in mind that in the culture of that day
you didn't sit in chairs at a dining room table. The tables were very low and you reclined on
pillows as you ate and talked.
Folks, listen, you would
never recline at a table with an enemy.
You wouldn't do it. You only
reclined at a table with a friend.
What's Jesus doing? He's
reclining at the table with tax collectors.
He's reclining at the table with sinners - with the riff raff, with the
underbelly of Capernaum. This is such an
incredible story to show us that Jesus Christ is a friend of sinners.
As Jesus reclined at the
table with them, what does He do? The
only thing we can guess happened was that there was a lot of incredible
conversation learning each other's names and telling about each other. And what was the motive behind it all? Why did Levi do it? It's obvious from the text. He wanted his friends, even though they were
the riff raff and underbelly of society, he wanted his friends to meet
Jesus. Levi had just met Jesus. His life had changed and he was so excited
about it that he wanted his friends to meet Jesus, too. So he throws a party designed for his friends
to rub shoulders with Jesus, the ultimate friend of sinners.
Did it have an
impact? When you read through the rest
of the gospels, you discover that wherever Jesus goes, the tax collectors are
trying to get close to Him. You know
why? They did so because no other rabbi
in all of Israel would dare befriend a tax collector. But Jesus did. And now they wanted to be with Him.
Folks, listen, that is a powerful
lesson for you and I today as individuals and as a church. When we begin to rub shoulders with lost
people and really show them that we care about them, they will be drawn to this
place. And as a result, they will be
drawn to Jesus. Party on!
The story of Esther is one
of my favorites in the Bible. Take time to
go back and read it again like you were doing so for the first time.It’s like a mixture of Cinderella and Beauty
and the Beast all rolled up into one.From this amazing story you will see four amazing lessons.
Lesson #1 - God is always
at work behind the scenes orchestrating your life. Do you realize that while you're sitting there
reading this blog post, God is working behind the scenes orchestrating your
life. In the story of Esther, God was
working behind the scenes orchestrating the lives of people to get them exactly
where He wanted them. I don't know about
you but that gives me so much confidence.
I don't have to fear. I don't
have to worry. I don't have to live with
anxiety because God is always at work behind the scenes orchestrating my life. God is working behind the scenes even when it
looks like evil is winning. God is even
working behind the scenes when you face disappointment. You see, God knows the future. And even in your disappointments God is
orchestrating your life. That is
amazing. Never forget that lesson.
Lesson #2 - The people God
uses are usually the unexpected ones.
Whoever would have thought a Jewish orphan would become the queen of
Persia and be used by God to save an entire nation from extinction? If you're sitting there reading this post and
you're thinking to yourself, I am the last person God would ever use, then
chances are really good you might be the next person He chooses. Because the people God uses are usually the
unexpected ones.
Lesson #3 - God is never
absent in our lives and in our circumstances.
You know what's amazing about the book of Esther? Not once, not even once, does the book of Esther
ever mention the name of God. You can't
find it. In fact, there's not even a pronoun referring to God in the book. That's why many people did not feel Ester
should be part of the Bible because how can a book be part of the Bible that
doesn't mention God? But as you read
this book you will discover that even though you're never going to see the name
God as you read, you're going to see His fingerprints on every single page. You see, that's how God often works. His invisible providence is always working in
our lives and you will see in this book irony after irony after irony
that's well beyond coincidence because God is never absent in our lives. He is never absent in our circumstances.
Lesson #4 - In the end,
God wins. That's what happened in the
book of Esther in Persia during the time of Esther and it still happens
today. Folks, listen. We live in a time that's a disturbing
time. We live in a time in which it
looks often like evil is winning but I need you to understand something. I need you to realize that even today, even
when it looks like evil is winning, God is at work behind the scenes. His providence is real. His providence is true. And when the day comes when this world as we
know it comes to a screeching halt, and that day will come, I want you to
know that no matter how bad it looks now, on that day God wins. And when God wins, so does His church.
The longer someone is in ministry
the easier it is to go from a “missional”
mindset to a “survival”
mindset. When we end up spending most of
our week working out of a sense of “survival”
rather than a sense of being “missional,”
we are in a dangerous position. To keep
this from happening, we have to make time for some “self-leadership.” For me, I
have found two aspects of “self-leadership”
that helps me to stay fixated on acting out of being “missional” in ministry rather than simply trying to “survive.”
The first of these two
aspects is READING. When I make it a point to read good books
that inspire me and help me to stay focused, I can more easily continue to be “missional” in what I do.
The second of these two
aspects is what I call RUBBING. By
that I mean rubbing shoulders with non-churched people. For me this includes having lunch at least 3
days a week at the same place in town where I am building relationships with
people in our community who do not go to church and where I am meeting
non-churched people every single week.
When I am involved in the “self-leadership” aspects of READING
I tend to be more “missional” and focused
less on “survival.” With this in mind, I led our church ministry
staff into a 5-week exercise that would give them the opportunity to do some READING
on their own without adding any time at all to their already full time
Here is what I did. I bought each of our ministry staff a book of
a great Christian hero from the past. No
two books were the same. I also
purchased for each of them a $10 gift card to a local restaurant or coffee shop
(no two locations were the same either).
Beginning today (Monday, September 23) and for the next 3 Mondays, each
of our Ministry Staff here at Gaylord E-Free is to spend the time we usually
spend in staff meeting at that local restaurant READING that book and RUBBING
shoulders with non-churched people. Here
are the “rules” I gave to them:
For the next 3 staff
meetings they are to go by themselves to the restaurant they have been assigned
in order to read their assigned biography.
They may not change or change restaurants or books. They are to be at their assigned restaurant
reading their assigned book for one full hour.
During this hour they are to have their cell phones turned OFF. The church office will know the restaurant they
have been assigned to and can be sure they are contacted in the event of an
For the two staff meetings
after these three READING and RUBBING weeks, each staff member will then give a 20-MINUTE
verbal report to the rest of us on the book they read. We will be pulling names out of a hat to see in
what order each person will share.
Now it’s time for some
serious READING and
It is all around us – stories of paranormal
Television shows contain
Best-selling books contain it
Just about all of us know someone who has had
a paranormal experience. It seems like
it is being talked about everywhere in our culture except in the church.
Beginning this Sunday here at Gaylord E-Free we will be
starting a new 6-week series that we are calling
“Mythbusters: Are Ghosts Real?”
In this series we will be answering these
questions and more:
Are ghosts real?
If they are real, what are they?
Do the spirits of
the dead come back to the earth?
Is it possible to
communicate with the dead?
Outside of the
Bible, can we predict the future?
Are there stories of
paranormal activity in the Bible?
Should we be
Should we be scared?
Are you ready to hear what the Bible teaches about these
Be sure not to miss one
Sunday of this very relevant and timely series beginning this Sunday, September 22.
Be sure also to invite those you know who may be interested in this
topic to attend. And if they can’t
attend, then be sure to encourage them to listen to our 9am service each Sunday
live on 101.5 FM.
When it comes to the
unchanging purpose of marriage given by God at the first wedding in human
history in Genesis 2:25-25, we’ve now seen severance,
permanence and interdependence in the last two
blog postings. Now let’s look at the
fourth and final purpose = intimacy.
If verse 24 describes the
wedding ceremony of Adam and Eve, then verse 25 describes the honeymoon. It says that they were, “naked and unashamed.” What a great motto for marriage. I think it ought to be inscribed inside of every
wedding ring – “naked and unashamed.”
This is true because marriage is God's design for sexual intimacy at its
When I preached a sermon
on this at the church I pastor here in Gaylord, Michigan, I used a “Ken” and “Barbie” doll through the whole series as object lessons. This visual fit verse 25 more than people
thought it might. When my daughter was
real little, she had dozens of Barbie Dolls.
She kept them in a big tub and she would often take most of them in to
the bathtub with her. Then she would
just throw all of the dolls back in the tub all wet.
I don't know if your
daughter had Barbie Dolls or not, but if there's one thing I noticed it is that
for some reason they were always without clothes. I don't know what the situation is but they
always were. My wife one day discovered
an odor coming from this tub. All of
these wet Barbie Dolls had begun to mildew.
As a good mother, my wife cleaned and bleached them all. She then needed a place to allow them to
dry. When I drove home from the church office
that afternoon, I got the surprise of my life.
As I went to pull into our driveway, I found that it was covered with
literally dozens of naked Barbie Dolls sunbathing. To this day I wonder what our neighbors must
have been thinking!
Anyway, back to Genesis
2:25 – “naked and unashamed.” In
our world today, we are inundated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with the
world's view of intimacy. Here's what I
need you to understand. Any intimacy
that is outside of one man with one woman in the bounds of marriage is a cheap
imitation to God's best. God created the
best. Anything else is a cheap
imitation. It is impossible in my
opinion, based on scripture, to experience intimacy at its best anywhere other
than one man with one woman in marriage.
In Proverbs 5:18-19, the writer describes intimacy in marriage like a
fountain you drink from to be refreshed.
He says, “Let your fountain be blessed.”
Do you realize what God's
desire is for you in marriage? God's
desire is that your intimacy in marriage be blessed. That's God's desire for you. That tells me that intimacy between a husband
and a wife in marriage is nothing short of worship. He then says,
“Rejoice in the wife of your
youth. As a loving hide and a graceful
doe, let her breasts satisfy you at all times.”
The problem is that most
men put a period after the word "times" and go, “Amen!”
Believe it or not, men, that line is not the best part. It's the last line I want you to see.
“Be exhilarated always with her
That word exhilarated is a
Hebrew word that's also translated “intoxicated.” Do you know what God's view of sexual
intimacy is? God's view is that there be
a marriage relationship between a man and a woman that has intimacy that's so
incredible that you become intoxicated with each other. In fact, you become so intoxicated and
addicted with each other that you would never even want to look anywhere else
for sexual satisfaction.
In yesterday’s blog post
we saw the first purpose of marriage given by God when He instituted marriage
back in Genesis 2:24-25. That purpose
was severance – “a man
shall leave his father and mother.”
Now let’s look at the second purpose which is permanence. It says
that, “A man shall leave his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife.” Now, that word “cleave,” if it were to be
used today, could describe taking two pieces of steel and soldering them
together to make one permanent piece.
That's God's purpose for marriage – permanence – and that purpose has
not changed. God's purpose for marriage
always has been, still is, and always will be one man with one woman for one
What’s has changed is our
culture. Over half of marriages today in
our country fail. Over 75% of second
marriages fail. That's the culture we
live in today. So let me just say
this. When I talk to a young couple
who's getting ready to marry for the first time, here's what I say to them - If
you're entering into this marriage with any other thinking other than this,
divorce will never be an option, then don't get married.
Folks, listen. Here's the key. Whether you're married; whether it's your
second marriage, third marriage, or fourth marriage; whether you're newly
married or have been married for decades; whether your single but desire
someday to be married; or whether you can simply say the word “marriage” - if
any of those descriptions are true of you, let me just say this - Your marriage
is worth fighting for. Yes, there will
be trials. Yes there will be times of
diversity. Even so, it is God's plan,
God's purpose, for you to fight for that marriage.
We have seen the purpose
of severance and the purpose
of permanence. Now let’s look at the third purpose - interdependence. The verse says, “And they shall become one flesh.” What's that mean? To put it in modern-day vernacular, even
though it is a horrible analogy for marriage, it means that the moment you say
"I do" you become a
two-headed monster.
Think of the
progression. From the time you were
born, you were in a state of total dependence.
You couldn't do anything for yourself.
You were totally dependent on your parents. As you grew up, your parents wisely moved you
from dependence to independence. If they
were wise, they did it a little at a time - not all at once. When you became a single adult you then moved
to a state of total independence.
How does this relate to
marriage? Folks, listen, marriage isn't
dependence or independence. Marriage is
interdependence. When you get married,
it's no longer, “What do I want?”
It's now, “What do we want?”
It's no longer, “What are my dreams?” It's now, “What are our dreams?” I really believe that the best part of being
married is that you get to do life together.
The purpose of marriage is that you have that companion that God created
you with a need for, so that you can do life together. We’ve now seen severance, permanence
and interdependence – we
still have one more purpose of marriage to look at in tomorrow’s post.
I am extremely excited to
announce the selection of Julia
Rupp as our new full-time Director of Children’s Ministries here at Gaylord
E-Free Church in Gaylord, Michigan. Julia will begin her new full-time
ministry with us beginning Sunday, October 6, as she take on the oversight of our nursery through grade six ministry.
Julia went through quite an extensive process to reach this position including submitting a resume, filling
out a very detailed and lengthy application, going through multiple and rigorous interviews, and having many
reference checks completed. The Search Team for this position was
headed by Marie Sarchet and included two Elders, our CCE Team Leader, the CCE
Team Liaison from the Leadership Team, along with a few educators and individuals who are involved in
our children’s ministry. This Search Team
was given the job description of this new position as well as a profile of the
type of person that we were looking to fill it.
Their task was to conduct a nation wide search and then narrow the field down to no more than two final
candidates to turn over to me as Lead Pastor for final consideration. This Search Team was instructed to only pass on the names of candidates that they unanimously agreed would be good for this position.
They did an outstanding job.
This team ultimately
passed on to me the names and information for two final candidates. I
then, with the help and assistance of Marie Sarchet (Search Team Leader) and Jack Dutton (Director of Counseling Ministries here at Gaylord E-Free Church), conducted
final interviews with both candidates.
These final interviews were very extensive and deep. After they were over, the three of us were all in unity that God had made it clear that Julia was the right person. We still took four additional days to pray and
ponder more on this and then met again with the result being that we were still unanimously at 100% peace that Julia was the right selection.
Last night, the Elder Board gave their unanimous consent for me to offer
Julia the position, which I have done and she has accepted.
Julia has a B.A. Degree in
Elementary Education from Cedarville College in which she attained
certification in Kindergarten through Grade Eight as well as her preschool
certification. Her course study included
Children’s Ministry and her minor was in Bible.
She also has done continuing education in gifted certification, ESL
Classes, and Cooperative Learning Methods from Columbia International
University, as well as being certified by Child Evangelism Fellowship. Julia has many years of teaching experience
both nationally and internationally, having taught in Tennessee and in China.
Julia has served in a more unofficial role over the past year leading our Sunday morning and Wednesday
evening children’s ministries and has done a fabulous job. Most of all, Julia has an unmistakable heart
for the Lord Jesus Christ, for Gaylord E-Free Church, and for meeting as many
children as possible right where they are, and helping to move them to where
God wants them to be.
I am thrilled at what
Julia brings to our staff and ask you to give her your great encouragement, and
most of all, your fervent prayers and support.
When God officiates the
very first wedding in human history – the wedding of Adam and Eve in the beautiful
Garden of Eden - He clearly gives the purpose for marriage. In Genesis 2:24-25, He says, “For
this cause…” Stop! For what cause is He talking about? If you go back earlier in the chapter we see
the fact that God made Adam with a need for companionship which can only be
truly fulfilled through a wife. Now keep
reading. “For this cause, a man shall leave
his father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they shall become one
flesh.” Verse 25 then adds, “And
the man and his wife were both naked and not ashamed.”
Over the next few blog
posts I want to show you from theses verses four purposes for marriage. Before I give you those four purposes, I want
you to understand that the purposes we're going to see in these verses have
never changed. Our culture has tried to change
them. Even churches have attempted to change
them. The truth is that God's purpose
for marriage stated at that very first wedding has never changed. How do I know that?
I know this because a
couple thousand years after the first wedding, when Jesus is walking on the
earth, He repeats this very purpose. In
Matthew 19, someone tried to trap Jesus with a question concerning divorce and
Jesus said, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them
male and female?” He then quotes
right from Genesis 2:24, “For this reason a man shall leave his father
and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.” The purpose of God had not changed.
In fact, not only did
Jesus repeat it, but after the death and resurrection of Jesus and His ascension
back in to heaven, the Apostle Paul also repeated the same purpose. In Ephesians 5:31 Paul quotes word perfect
from Genesis 2:24 – “For this reason, a man shall leave his
father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh.”
What does all this tell
me? It tells me that God's purpose for
marriage has never changed. The same
purpose that God speaks in Genesis 2:24 is the same purpose that God has for
marriage yet today. Based on this, let's
look at four purposes for marriage from those ancient but extremely applicable
Purpose number one we're
going to call severance. “For this cause,” the Bible says, “a man
shall leave his father and mother.”
What is God saying? To put it in
the lingo of the old, Wild West, it means that the moment you say, "I do," there's a new sheriff in
town. Think about it this way - growing up
who was the most important human relationship in your life? More than likely it was your parents. Understand that according to the Bible the
moment you said, "I do," a
new sheriff came to town. Because you
see, folks, the moment you say "I
do" there's a new priority in your life. From that moment on, the most important human
relationship in your life must be your spouse – “A man shall leave his father and
mother.” Do we still honor our
parents? Absolutely. Do we still love our parents? Absolutely.
But there's a new sheriff in town.
Why is this
important? I've seen a lot of marriages
go through troubles because they couldn't figure out this purpose. Even if you're a daddy's girl, after you
marry the most important human relationship in your life must be your
husband. Even if you're a mama's boy,
after you marry the most important human relationship in your life must be your
wife. Folks, listen, if you ever have to
choose between making your spouse happy or making your parents happy, choose your
As parents, we need to
release our children to obey God. We
should never make our adult married children choose between us or their spouses. We should never resort to guilt and
manipulation in order to try to get them to sway our way as parents. We need to release our adult children to obey
God and to make their spouse the most important human relationship in their
In her book,
“An Hour On Sunday,” Nancy Beach, Arts Director for Bill Hybels at the Willow
Creek Community Church, tells of a man named Gordy. Here is what she writes:
“Gordy and
his wife, Barb, serve on our production crew.
Their children are grown, and for now this couple has chosen to invest
in building community on our backstage team, helping to set up stage equipment
and props and diligently praying for everything that takes place in our
services. Gordy is a big man with
twinkling eyes and a balding head. Like
the rest of our crew, he always wears black clothing so he can fade into the
background while setting up props on stage during a service.”
“When I
arrive at church, Gordy has been working for a couple of hours. He always greets me with a warm smile and
inquires, ‘How can I specifically pray for you?
Is there anything in this service that most concerns you?’ Often my response fills Gordy’s eyes with
tears. During rehearsals, Gordy provides
an enthusiastic audience for actors and musicians who wonder if their material
will connect. He laughs the loudest and
is the first one to let them know if he is deeply moved. Before the service begins, Gordy leads a
circle of crewmembers in passionate prayer for God to work mightily among us
and through us. Between services, Gordy
is the master of encouragement, letting all of us know that the part we played
truly mattered.”
As I think
about Gordy, I have to believe that the vast majority of the thousands of
people who attend services at Willow Creek every weekend have no clue that this
man even exists. I doubt that they could
pick him out of a crowd. Yet, to the few
dozen people who pour themselves into utilizing their God-given gifts and
talents to provide moments in worship that God can use to grab hold of the
hearts of people, Gordy is irreplaceable.
Though Gaylord
E-Free is not anywhere near the size of the Mega Church that Willow Creek is,
we also have dozens of people who utilize their God-given gifts and talents
every week with a heart and a purpose to be used by God to provide moments of
worship that God can use to grab hold of the hearts of the hundreds who attend
our worship services.
Is there a
“Gordy” in the midst of our congregation?
Is there a “Gordy” at E-Free who stops our key participants on Sunday
morning to ask how they can specifically pray for the service? Is there a “Gordy” at E-Free whose eyes fill
with tears as they hear of the deep desire of the stage leaders and
participants to see God move through the service? Is there a “Gordy” at E-Free who isn’t afraid
to show it when God uses something in the service to move him closer in his
walk with his Lord? Is there a “Gordy”
at E-Free who gathers people together prior to the service to passionately pray
for God to work? Is there a “Gordy” at
E-Free who is the master of encouragement and lets everyone know that the part
they played Sunday truly mattered?
Gordy…Please report to Gaylord E-Free Church!
This Sunday is BACK TO CHURCH SUNDAYhere at Gaylord E-Free. It’s
still not too late for you to invite people you know who use to attend church
at some point in their life, but for whatever reason, have quit doing so. Invite them BACK TO CHURCHthis Sunday.
Studies show us that most people who do not go to church would in fact
attend if they were invited by a friend.
Here are some updates regarding our services for this Sunday:
·We will be showing a video promotion this Sunday
for the showing of the motion picture “Home Run” which will take place in the Gospel
Center on Friday night, September 20.
This movie is produced by the same makers of “Facing the Giants”; “Fireproof”;
and “Courageous.”
·We will be showing a specially designed movie
trailer at the end of our services promoting our new series, “Mythbusters: Are
Ghosts Real?” that will begin on Sunday, September 22 here at E-free.
·“The Frightened Family” will be making a return
to our Contemporary Service with a skit designed to help welcome everyone “BACK
·In our Classic Service, there will be two special
music numbers.
·A special “Welcome to Church” video will be
shown right before the sermon in all of our services.
·There will be great worship in both of our
Contemporary Services and in our Classic Service.
·I will be preaching a message entitled, “Four
Cheers for the Church,” from Philippians 1:3-18.
It is going to a great Sunday here at E-Free. Please be praying for God to use
our services here and over the radio to meet as many people as possible right
where they are at and help move them to where He wants them to be!
The world is a different place when it is viewed through the eyes of a child. So, by the way, is the church. I was reminded of this last Friday as my wife and I were out doing our usual grocery shopping routine. We ran into a mother from our church who was shopping with her children. As we talked, her little boy, who was sitting in the grocery cart, looked up at me and asked me this pointed question:
Several possible answers went through my mind, such as:
"Only on Sundays, Son!"
"No, but I did sleep in a Holiday Inn Express last night!"
"My wife thinks I am!"
The truth is that we all had a good laugh at this cute display of innocence. But it was obvious from the expression on this little guy's face that he was very serious in his inquiry.
The more I thought about this encounter, the more his question became a convicting challenge. In the eyes of this little guy, because he only sees me every Sunday on stage at church preaching from the Bible, I am to some degree associated with God.
In our culture today, in the eyes of children sports athletes, movie stars and rock stars are put on a "look-up-to" level. Unfortunately, many of them fail to live up to that expectation.
But to the children at church, the pastor is also on a "look-up-to" level. This means that as a pastor, I have a huge need to "walk the talk," not just when I'm preaching on the stage on Sunday, but also when I'm walking through the grocery store on Friday.
No, my little friend, I am not God. But thank you so very much for the reminder that "little eyes" in my church" are "looking up to me." Like the Apostle Paul, may each pastor in America, including myself, be able to say with genuine sincerity to people of all ages in our churches,
Last Sunday here at Gaylord E-Free Church we showed the final instalment in our 5-part Vision Video series showing the vision of our church in the past, present and future. The last section of that video series took us on a visual review of our 3-year vision plan (you can view that video in yesterday's blog post). On that Sunday we also passed out a full-color brochure highlighting this vision that we believe that God has given to us in order to meet as many people as possible right where they are and help move them to where God wants them to be.
Along with that, we now have out Vision Tree full of apples and located in the
back foyer outside the Gospel Center. Most of the tree is covered with green apples that indicate the many
specific aspects of our 3-year vision plan and the cost associated with each
particular element. The red apples indicate areas that have already been paid for and ave moved from being a dream to being a reality. As God lays it on your heart to give a financial gift
to see a specific element(s) of our vision take place, simply do the following:
Physically remove the green apple which will reveal a red apple beneath (red shows that
this aspect has been paid for).
Place a check in the box
that is located on the table at the tree with the apple you picked, being sure that your gift ids clearly marked as to what item it is paying for. You may also give your gift through the church
offering or by contacting the church office. Either way you give, please
be sure to indicate what specific aspect of the vision plan you are giving the
gift towards.
Because we don’t want to sacrifice present ministry, we do
ask that all gifts toward our vision plan be above and beyond regular
Together, we can saturate Otsego County with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and let that bleed over into all of northern Michigan!
E-Free is a church with a purpose. We
desire to be used by God to meet as many people as possible right where they
are and help move them to where He wants them to be. At the beginning of this year, we launched
into a 3-year Vision Plan with the ultimate goal to saturate Otsego County with
the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to then let that bleed over into all of northern
This is a
vision that we believe God gave to us and He has already blessed us in opening
doors far ahead of our anticipated time-schedule. For example, our 9am service each Sunday
morning is now being aired live each on The Eagle, 101.5 FM.
that many who are attending E-Free are new to our church since we introduced
our 3-year vision plan, here is a quick overview of what we believe God has
called us to do. The vision plan focuses
on the following areas:
The first
area is that of our worship services and technology. This will no doubt be the greatest way that
we can saturate our county with the Gospel.
The vision includes a technology upgrade with new lighting and cameras
that will allow us to broadcast the message down to the Classic service. It will also open doors for us to stream our
services on the internet and continue to utilize radio and even television to
meet and move people all over northern Michigan.
technology will also equip us with state of the art environmental projection
which will allow us to change the entire front of the auditorium in both our
Contemporary and Classic services into multiple scenes and displays. To be able to accomplish all of this and to
utilize this new equipment to its fullest potential, the vision plan also
includes the addition of a Technology Director to our staff
Another area
of emphasis in our vision plan is in the area of connecting people. We don’t just want to attract people to our church,
we desire to also see all of these people connected into our church. Our goal is to see 80% of our average Sunday
morning adult attendance plugged into a Life Group or into one of our Equip-U
multiple services we know it will become more of a challenge to connect with
people on Sunday morning. That’s why our
vision plan includes the addition of a café here in our facility where people
can take time before, in between, and after services to connect with each
A third area
of emphasis has been a focal point here at E-Free for decades and that is our
ministry to children and youth. Our
vision plan calls for the addition of a full-time Director of Children’s
Ministry. This is another area where God
is already at work as we are now just a few weeks away from introducing this
new staff member to our church family.
our nursery areas are in two separate locations in our facility. The vision plan calls to relocate and expand
our nurseries so they are all in the same location and are large enough to
handle the growth we are experiencing.
As a church
we are unique and blessed to have a counseling ministry that includes having a
licensed Christian counselor on our staff.
Our vision calls for this area to be expanded through adding a female
counselor to help minister to more woman, children and families.
outward focused is the heart of our vision.
That’s why this plan calls for us to return to seeing 20% of all of our
offerings going
back out to into our community and around the world. In the same way that individuals are called
in Scripture to tithe their money, we see this 20% as a way our church tithes
from the resources God has blessed us with.
The final
area centers on our facility. God has
blessed E-Free with an amazing facility, but over the years the wear and tear
has taken its toll on our building. Our
vision plan calls for much needed maintenance and updating so that we can
continue to use our building to its fullest potential. Due to the increased usage and demand on our
building, we also are looking to add a facility manager to our staff who can
give full-time oversight to the stewardship of our building.
making these steps of faith in these areas, we believe that we can fulfill our
purpose of meeting as many people as possible and moving them to where God
wants them to be. But to see this vision
become reality, we need you to be involved.
First, we
need you to pray. Nothing of eternal
importance happens apart from prayer.
The creation of this vision plan was bathed with prayer and we want to
be sure that its implementation is carefully wrapped in prayer as well.
One of the
things we ask you to pray about is how you can be involved. In the back foyer we have a Vision Tree which is
filled with green apples that represent areas of our vision plan as well as their
associated costs. As God leads, you can actually
pick one of those green apples through your gift for that item. Under each green apple is a red apple which
will visualize that God is taking the dream He gave us and turning it into
reality for His honor and glory
This vision
plan is aggressive and will challenge us as a church as it pushes us out of our
comfort zones. We believe that this is a
good thing because there is always a challenge between the comfort of where we
are and the potential of where we could be.
I know it is only the second Sunday of September and most people are certainly not thinking Christmas right now. But Sunday morning we made a huge Christmas announcement that has the potential to result in some amazing fruit. Before I spring into the announcement, let me preface it with some thoughts.
There is no question that Christmas and Easter are the two biggest Sundays of the year in the American Church. But it seems to me that most churches all do the same thing, be it the annual Christmas cantata or live nativity to the dramatic passion plays at Easter time. I once heard a very successful pastor of a very large church say that if we want to reach people that no one is reaching we have to do things that no one is doing. That got me thinking about Christmas and Easter. What can we do as a church on these two huge holidays that no other church is doing in order to reach thousands of people that no other church is reaching? This is where the idea stemmed from.
Along with that, let me also say that I believe that every once in a while the church needs to take a risk - a Spirit-led risk. In other words, if we are going to reach our potential when it comes to meeting as many people as possible right where they are in order to help move them to where God wants them to be, then we have to at times try something way out of the box - something that could work but it might also be a total bust. This idea falls into that "risk" category as well.
So here is what we are looking to do at Gaylord E-Free. This Christmas season we want to encourage everyone who is part of our church to put Christmas lights up this year, even if you usually don't. That sounds easy enough, doesn't it? But wait! There's more! This year, not only do we want you to put Christmas lights up on the outside of your house, but we then want you to leave them up AND ONall the way through Easter. You read it right. We ware looking for at least 500 homes in our church to have their Christmas lights up and on every night (or at least every weekend night) all the way through Easter. Now, what will this accomplish?
First, it is going to be a visual message to our community that Christmas is connected to Easter. You can't really understand Christmas without also understanding Easter.
Second, it will hopefully create a "buzz" in our community. By about Valentine's Day there should be a lot of talk about why so many people still have their Christmas lights on. That buzz will then only build through St Patrick's Day and April Fool's Day as Easter is not until later in April this year. We then hope to do some creative advertising towards the end of that time-frame making the connection between the Christmas lights and coming to Gaylord E-Free on Easter.
Finally, it will give each person in our church who participates a pretty easy platform to talk about Jesus between Christmas and Easter. Undoubtedly, at some point a neighbor or co-worker is going to ask you why you still have your Christmas lights on. This will give you the easy opportunity to say, "I'm keeping my lights on until Easter because to really understand Christmas you have to understand Easter." What a great opening to talk about Jesus to others and invite others to come to E-Free on Easter.
So plan now to get your Christmas lights dug out of the attic, or bought from the store so that you can hang them up before winter sets in so you won't have excuse later not to participate! Will it work? I have no idea but I can't wait to see how God might use it as we all take this Christmas risk together!
Phillip was one of Jesus’s
disciples. How did Phillip meet
Jesus? John 1:43 says, “The
next day Jesus purposed to go in to Galilee, and He found Philip, And Jesus
said to him, ‘Follow Me!’” As a
result, Phillip became a follower of Jesus.
Phillip was so excited about finding Jesus that he wanted to tell one of
his closest friends whose name is Nathanael.
So how does Phillip invite Nathanael? Notice two things.
First of all, he's very
intentional. He doesn't go, “You
know, Jesus, it's really been great meeting you. I'd love my friend Nathanael to get to know
you and if I happen to come across Nathanael, I'll mention you to him.” That's not what he does. Look at what he does do in the next
verse. It says, “Phillip found Nathanael and said
to him, ‘We have found him of whom Moses and the law and also the prophets
wrote. It's Jesus of Nazareth.’” He's intentional. He makes it a priority. He basically says, “If I don't do anything else, I'm
going to invite my friend Nathanael to come see Jesus.”
Imagine what would happen if
every believer had that mind-set going in to this next weekend. I wonder what would happen if each of us would
say, “If I don't accomplish anything else the rest of this week, there is a
certain person this week that I'm going to be sure that I invite to come to
church with me this Sunday.”
Not only was Phillip intentional,
he also took the initiative. In this
story, Nathanael gives some pushback to Phillip’s invitation. Have you ever invited someone to church and
they gave you some pushback? They looked
at you and said, “If I came to church the roof would cave in!” Nathanael does just that and gives some
pushback but it doesn't detour Phillip.
He still takes the initiative.
You see Nathanael’s pushback
in verse 46 when he asks, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” Culturally, Nazareth was not the place travel
agents planned vacations to in that day.
In fact, it was called by some “the city of garbage.” It wasn't a place that people wanted to go
visit. So when Phillip says to
Nathanael, “Hey, I found the messiah, he's from Nazareth,” Nathanael basically
says, “Whoa, can anything good come out
of Nazareth?”
I love what Phillip
does. He doesn't argue the point. He doesn't try to explain it. He just looks at him and responds with three
powerful words. He looks at Nathanael
and simply says, “Come and see!” I love
those words - Just “come and see.”
And what was the
result? Was it effective? Look at verse number 49. It says, “Nathanael answers Jesus and says,
Rabbi, you are the Son of God. You are
the king of Israel.” Nathanael
comes to follow Jesus because Phillip said three words to him - “Come
and see.”
Folks, listen. Good things happen when you invite people to church!