I read an article on the internet Saturday that has really stuck with me. The whole gist was asking what people say when they leave your church on a Sunday. So tell me, what was the first thing you said when you left church yesterday?
Sometimes, the first thing out of our mouth as we drive out of the church parking lot centers around our preferences - what we liked or what we didn't like about the service. In this case our first words out of the parking lot usually begins with the words, "I liked..." or "I didn't like..." If that's the first words our of your mouth after church on Sunday, you probably missed the main point because worship isn't about us and our likes and our dislikes.
Other times we leave the church service after an amazing morning and with great excitement we proclaim, "What great music" or "What a great sermon." To be honest, sometimes we who are in full-time local church ministry put all of our efforts into getting these responses. If we are the worship leader on Sunday we like it when people leave church on Sunday saying, "What great music!" And if we are the pastor who pours ourselves into the sermon, we like it when people leave church on Sunday saying, "What a great sermon!"
But the truth is that if you leave church on Sunday and the first words out of your month is "What great music" or "What a great sermon." then you again probably missed the main point. And if as a worship leader or as a pastor you desire people to leave your church saying "What great music" or "What a great sermon," then you probably missed the point in preparing for the morning.
So what should we say when we leave church on Sunday? If it isn't, "What great music" or "What a great sermon," what else can it be? How about this? Imagine if after every time we gathered together as a local body we all left the church saying, "What a great God!" How awesome would that be?
So, what did you say when you left church yesterday?
1 comment:
Where you want to eat? and what do you want to eat?
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