I told you in my posting yesterday how excited I am about all that our Worship Design Group and Creative Ideas Group has in the plans for Sundays in November and December here at Gaylord E-Free. Below are just a few teasers of what is to come as we worship the Lord together:
Imagine a giant Scrabble game to help us learn about baptism!
Imagine a service so packed with worship, testimonies, baptisms and more that there is no time for a traditional sermon!
Imagine all of us enjoying a thanksgiving meal together as part of our Sunday worship!
Imagine a 7-week Christmas series that just could lead you to the most peaceful Christmas you have ever experienced in your life!
Imagine a Christmas stage design that will help your eyes to grasp the goal of our Christmas series just as powerfully as your ears will grasp the messages!
Imagine a modern day Martha (you know, from Mary and Martha in the Bible) helping us to understand in a humorous way what often keeps us from experiencing a peaceful Christmas!
Imagine a contemporary twist on using "advent candles" to help us prepare for the celebration of the birth of Christ!
Imagine our kids having a special part of a Sunday morning to add to our Christmas preparation!
Imagine two Christmas Eve services packed with people celebrating the birth of Christ through music, drama, preaching, video and candle-lighting!
Imagine something taking place on Christmas Sunday, December 25, that has never before occurred in a worship service here at E-Free!
And that's just a sample of what we are working on for Sundays here at the Gaylord E-Free Church! But November is still two weeks away! There is still a lot to experience and learn over the next 2 Sundays here at E-Free as we conclude our "Mansion of Prayer" message series by looking at "The Guest Room: Place of Intercession!" The key I give you this Sunday has the potential to revolutionize your prayer life more than any other key I have shared!
So don't miss any Sunday here at Gaylord E-Free! And be sure to invite someone else to join you!
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