Over the last 5 Sundays we have looked here at the Gaylord E-Free church at the main events that took place in the life of Jesus on or by the Sea of Galilee in a message series we called, "Summer by the Lake." I love the Sea of Galilee. Of all the places I have ever visited, the Sea of Galilee is my favorite. Below is one of the journal entries I wrote after my first visit to Israel and the Sea of Galilee:
November 5, 2006
From here we went to the place of Peter’s Primacy. This was the shore where after the resurrection Jesus was on land when Peter saw him from the boat about 100 yards out. Peter, realizing it was Jesus, jumped out of the boat and ran to the Lord on land. Jesus had a fire going and fish ready for breakfast. It was here that Jesus asked Peter the question, “Do you love Me?” As Peter answered, Jesus responded by saying, “Feed My Sheep.” This was the first wave of real emotion that hit me as Dan Travis (team leader), in tears, challenged us that even though we, like Peter, have failed Jesus many times, we can still let go of our past guilt and shame and because of Christ’s forgiveness, we can focus and recommit ourselves to doing the work that God has called us to do…reaching and teaching people. That is my calling! To think that I was standing on that very shore where the power of Christ’s forgiveness gave Peter a new start after denying Jesus three times was overwhelming. The tears flowed as I looked out onto the Sea and picked up a pebble from the beach to keep as a reminder of the power of Christ’s forgiveness.
My wife and I will be returning to Israel and the Sea of Galilee in October 2012. If you would like more information regarding going with us to Israel email me at skdistler@gmail.com or visit the following website:
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