Some events are so special that you will only have a few like them in a lifetime. I like to call these "Burning Bush" moments. Last Friday night was one of these special moments. How special was it? Well, in a lifetime you will have so few of these memorable and special moments that you can probably count these unique life events on your hands and still have several fingers left over. It was that kind of a night.
We were celebrating my in-law's 50th wedding anniversary last weekend out in Pueblo, Colorado. Friday night 18 of us gathered at a restaurant for dinner. This included Laura's parents, their 3 kids and their spouses and 10 of their grandchildren. After dinner we sat around for about an hour and the family (primarily Laura's two brothers) shared some very funny stories from their growing up years. I'm not sure it was the actual stories that were so funny as it was the way they told them.
But then things changed in an amazing and Divine way. My son, Jonathan, played a song that he wrote for his grandparents about their 50 years of marriage. It really is an amazing song. I wish all of you could hear it. There wasn't a dry eye of the 36 eyeballs around the table when the song was done. God used that song to open a door of sharing.
Laura's parents each shared with us how their commitment to the Lord as individuals and as a couple was the glue that held their marriage and the entire family together. They lovingly challenged each of their kids and grand-kids to walk with the Lord. Their words were very special and God was using them...that was obvious as you looked at the faces around the table.
This resulted in some sharing from their two sons that were simply outstanding. They shared from their hearts about what the spiritual integrity of their parents have meant to them. You could sense the spirit of God moving in that room in a very special way. Without being there, you just can't begin to imagine it. I can honestly say that I felt like Moses standing at the burning bush on holy ground!
I then had the privilege to close the night out in prayer thanking God for the laughter and the tears; thanking God for the memories of the past as well as the memory that was just made in the private room at that restaurant that night.
Thank you, God, for those times that You move in amazing ways that we never expect! Thanks for those moments like I was able to experience with Laura's family last Friday night!
The song is AMAZING!!! We listened online. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks, Carrie! It sure was special to his grandparents!
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