"If you aren't FISHING, you aren't FOLLOWING!"
That is how we ended last Sunday as we kicked off our new series, "Summer by the Lake." here at the Gaylord E-Free Church. Jesus called us to follow Him, and in doing so, He gave us the purpose - to be fishers of men. That is why I believe with all of my heart that evangelism must be the engine that drives the church.
So last Sunday I challenged everyone who is part of the E-Free family to make a TARGET THREE list. This is a list of 3 people that you know who don't know Jesus, or you are not sure if they know Jesus or not. You can get your three names from any of the following areas:
You might not even know there name. It may be "the lady who works at the bank" or "the waitress at the diner." But come up with three names. If you can't think of three names, than list one or two and ask God to give you another one. Once you have your names - here is what I challenged you to do...three things:
First, pray for each person on your list daily. How? Pray that they would come to faith in Christ. Ask God to use you in the process to be a "fisher of men" to them.
Second, build a bridge to them regularly. How? Take them a cake, pie or loaf of bread. Invite them over for dinner. Go get a cup of coffee with them. Send them a card. Call them. Visit them. Find ways to make touches into their lives.
Third, partner with the church to get them under the sound of the Gospel. How? Invite their Middle School age kids to "Fun in the Son"! Invite their children to "Bible School." Invite their whole family to church."
Here is the truth! If each one of us would take our purpose as followers of Jesus seriously and really do these three things to this TARGET THREE list, the fact is that the 1100 seat auditorium we have that we call The Gospel Center would not be big enough to hold the people who would come to faith in Jesus. The town of Gaylord and Otsego County need Jesus. That's our job!
If not us...Who?
In not now...When?
Come on everybody! TARGET THREE!
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