How well do you know what our staff is responsible for here at E-Free? Let me specify our job descriptions so you can more easily identify them and pray for them:
Lead Pastor: Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. More powerful than a locomotive. Faster than a speeding bullet. Walks on water. Gives counsel to God.
Associate Pastor: Able to leap sort buildings in a single bound. As powerful as a switch engine. Just as fast as a speeding bullet. Walks on water when the sea is calm. Talks with God.
Worship Director: Leaps short buildings with a running start. Almost as powerful as a switch engine. Faster than a speeding BB. Is occasionally addressed by God.
Youth Pastor: Runs into small buildings. Recognizes locomotive two out of three times. Uses a squirt gun. Knows how to use a water fountain. Mumbles to himself.
Church Secretary: Lifts building to walk under them. Kicks locomotives off the track. Catches speeding bullets in her teeth. Freezes water with a single glance. When God speaks, she says, “May I ask who is calling?”
Well, maybe the job descriptions are a little different than that, but the individuals who make up out staff here at E-Free are amazing people and really do a fantastic job. The best part about my job is that I get to do ministry with the staff here at E-Free day in and day out. So thanks, team, for all you do here at E-Free! I really do appreciate you!
Wow... I'm not sure if I want to see your definition of Elders... :-)
Glen, it's not the job description of the Elders that matters as much as learning that secret handshake!
Told you Debbie ran the church :0)
Amen! Debbie is the best, Linda! We would be lost with her!
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