Friday, April 28, 2006

Shoot for Excellence (Part 4)

The final 4 blog entries this week are a transcript of the remarks that I gave at the Inaugural Induction Service of the Lititz Christian School Chapter of the National Honor Society – April 6, 2006. If you have not read parts 1-3 of this series, it would be best for you to go back and read these before continuing with this blog entry.

Second, Joshua had courage. Go back and read Joshua chapter one. As Joshua is given the leadership of Israel, he is told to be strong and courageous. It takes courage to follow God. It takes courage to strive for excellence. Remember when Israel got to the edge of the Jordan River? The river was at flood stage. It was swollen, raging and deadly. What did God tell Joshua to do? He said to have the priests carrying the Ark of the Covenant step into the deadly and strong flow of water. Certainly God could have parted that river without that happening, but he wanted to see if Joshua and Israel had enough courage to obey Him. Those priest’s hearts had to be beating a mile a minute as they stepped toward what appeared to be certain death. But as soon as the sole of their sandals hit the top of that water, God miraculously parted the water and all of Israel crossed over on dry ground. Be courageous in the course you have taken in following God. Abraham Lincoln once said, “Having thus chosen our course, without guile and with pure purpose, let us renew our trust in God and go forward without fear and with manly hearts!”

Finally, Joshua had commitment. He was whole-heartedly committed to God. Just prior to the end of his life he gathered Israel together and drew a line in the sand and boldly proclaimed, “Choose you this day whom you will serve but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord!” How committed are you to serving Christ? I mean really serving him…all-out with total abandonment. I will warn you up front…it will not be easy.

When my grandpa was dying with cancer, I flew out to California to see him one last time. As we said “goodbye” my grandpa said his final words to me. I will never forget them. As I laid my head on his chest with tears of sorrow streaming down my face, I heard him say to me, “Son, don’t ever give up on the Lord!” I knew what he was saying. After nearly 50 years of full-time ministry he was saying, “Look…it’s tough…it’s real tough. There will be times that you just want to raise the white flag of surrender and throw in the towel. Those times will come, but whatever happens, don’t ever give up on the Lord!” And that is my cry to you as you receive this honor. Be confident in God. Be courageous for God. Be committed to following Him. As I heard Dr. Jerry Falwell say hundreds of times during my four years at Liberty University, “Feel like quitting, but don’t quit!” Or in the words of my beloved grandpa, “Don’t ever give up on the Lord!”

Again, I congratulate you and honor you on a job well done! May all who come behind you choose to follow Jesus because of the spiritual influence that you have had in your life and because of the spiritual identity that you will always be remembered by. After all, take it from my High School band director. Just because it’s Christian, doesn’t mean it has to be mediocre…short for excellence in everything you do! God bless you!

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