Saturday, July 19, 2014

Sexuality: Honest Questions; Honest Answers

We live in a culture today that has lost its moral compass.  Unfortunately, this truth about our culture has also very much influenced the church in America.  Many today that are regular church-goers lack a definitive understanding of where “true north” is when it comes to Biblical morality and human sexuality.  Beginning this Sunday, July 20, at Gaylord E-Free Church we will be starting a new 7-week series that we are entitling, “Sexuality: Honest Questions; Honest Answers.”  The goal of this series is to give a clear overview of what the Bible teaches about human sexuality. 

We will begin this series by looking at human sexuality as God intended it.  Remember, God is the one who created sexuality.  If we are going to be able to identify the counterfeits to God’s intention, we must first have a solid understanding of God’s original pattern and purpose for human sexuality.  From there we will answer the question, “What does moral purity look like?”  Has God's original pattern and purpose for human sexuality changed?  Are there lines that should not be crossed when it comes to human sexuality?  If so, where are those lines?  We will also be taking two weeks during this series to examine closely what the Bible really teaches about homosexuality.  And just as important, we will be answering the question, “How should the church respond to homosexuals?”

On the final two weeks of this series, I will be doing something I have never done before in 28 years of being a pastor.  Over the first five weeks, you can submit questions you have about the Bible and human sexuality.  For the message portion of our services on the last two Sundays of our series, I will be giving honest answers from the Bible to your honest questions.  You can turn in those questions in one of several ways.  You can email me at Or you can write down your question and put it in the box located at the Welcome Center outside our church auditorium or place it in a sealed envelope with my name on it and drop it in the offering.  It is fine to submit questions anonymously. 

I would like to invite you to join us for this culturally relevant series, “Sexuality: Honest Questions; Honest Answers.”  Along with attending one of our three Sunday morning services here at the Gaylord E-Free Church in Gaylord, Michigan, there are also many others ways that you can be part of this series no matter where you live:

You can listen live to the audio of our 9am service on The Eagle (101.5 FM) in Northern Michigan or via the radio station’s live stream at

You can watch the video of our 9am service through our church website’s live video stream at

At any time after Sunday you can watch the archived video of the service also through our church website at

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