There is a dear couple in our
church, Bud and Rea Jean Belt, who my wife and I deeply appreciate. I mean it sincerely when I say that my wife
and I have talked about how when we get old, we want to be just like Bud and
Rea Jean (not that they are old or anything – let’s say when we get to their “season
of life”). Everyone knows those old crotchety
types (believe it or not – you can even find them in church) that just seem to
always be negative and always have a complaint.
My wife and I never want to get like that. We want to be like Bud and Rea Jean. They are so very in love with each other. They are so very in love with Jesus. They treat each other with such tenderness
and grace. They always have smiles on
their faces and they always have a kind and encouraging word to share. Seriously, when my wife and I get to that “season
of life,” we really want to be just like Bud and Rea Jean.
Recently, this dear couple has
inspired me even more. Bud has been
diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.
The diagnosis is not real good.
He starts chemotherapy this week with the hopes of extending his life
for perhaps up to a year. What sad
news. But yet, even in this situation,
Bud and Rea Jean remain tender, loving, gentle, and committed to each other and
to the Lord.
They recently made three statements
to me that I cannot get out of my mind.
The first is this. When I visited
Bud and Rea Jean right after they found out about his cancer, Bud’s first words
to me were, “Pastor, we’re all terminal!”
WOW! How true. James 4:14 tells us that our life is like a
vapor – here one minute and gone the next.
The truth is that we are all dying physically. There is no way to get around that. Start your day with that thought and it will
change your priorities, your perspective and your focus.
A few nights ago several of our
Elders from church went over to Bud and Rea Jean’s to pray with them (I took
the picture above on this night). As we
sat in their living room talking, we asked Bud what we could pray for
specifically. His immediate answer was, “Pray
that I finish well.” WOW
again! Shouldn’t that be the prayer of
each of us – especially realizing we are all terminal? Paul said, “I have fought the good fight; I have finished the course; I have kept
the faith.” Finishing well – that should
be the goal for each of us.
Then Bud made another
statement. I found this one
staggering. He said, “Cancer
isn’t a gift but it is a responsibility!” WOW!
WOW! WOW! What a spiritually mature perspective on
someone who is looking in all likelihood at the final months of his life due to
cancer. This disease is not a gift. We wouldn’t wrap up cancer in a decorative
box and hand it to someone saying, “Happy Birthday” or “Merry Christmas.” However, Bud realizes that he has a responsibility
to use his cancer to the ultimate and highest glory of God.
Folks, Listen, bad things come
into our lives. Many times we can’t
prevent that. But not only are we to be
good stewards of the time, talent, and treasure that God has entrusted us with,
we must also be good stewards of the tough circumstances that the Lord allows
to come into each of our lives. We must
see these, not as a curse to be hated and become bitter over, but as an
opportunity to shine our light brighter than we have ever shined it before and an
opportunity to shine our light in front of people that we would never had met otherwise
had it not been for this “bad news” that came into our life.
Rea Jean also came up with a
great quote. As we as Elders sat around
sharing with them before we laid hands on them and prayed for this dear couple,
Rea Jean said, “This wouldn’t be so difficult if I didn’t like Bud so much!” Quadruple WOW! What a woman!
What a man! What a couple! My definition of a spiritual hero is not
someone who preachers to multiple thousands, leads huge ministries or writes
best-selling books (not putting any of that down). My definition of a spiritual hero is someone
who goes through the fire of adversity but remains faithful to the Lord! That’s why Bud and Rea Jean are two of my spiritual
heroes. That’s why when my wife and I
reach that “season of life,” our prayer is that we would be just like them.
Thank you, Pastor Scott, for sharing that with us. I have admired and loved Rae Jean since the moment I met her, and have been so blessed to serve with her on the Deaconness Team. And my husband, Bill, who has golfed with Bud, thoroughly enjoys Bud and loves his sunny attitude and the way he shares that attitude with anyone around him. I'm not surprised with those statements they both made...but I will hold them dearly in my heart. We continue to pray for Rae Jean and Bud...God bless them both, now and always. Blessings, Connie Murphy