
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Children's Ministry Beginning September 9

Beginning on September 9 we will be adding an additional Contemporary Service to our Sunday mornings here at the Gaylord E-Free Church.  Our first Contemporary Service will begin at 9:00am and our second service will begin at 10:30am.  Nursery ministry through age 3 will be provided during both services.  During the 9:30 service we will have our Children’s Sunday School taking place while during the 10:30 service we will have our Kidz Church happening.  Below are some answers to frequently asked questions regarding how our children’s ministry will work beginning September 9:

Will the children continue to start in the worship service, being dismissed to the children’s areas prior to the message?

No!  All children through grade 4 will have a program for the entire morning which will begin at the start of each service time.  If you will be attending an Adult Class as well as the Worship Service, your children will be taken care of the entire morning.

Where will I take my children when I arrive at church?

No matter what service you are attending
Infant through age 3 are checked-in at main nurseries
Ages 4 through Grade 4 are checked-in at the gym

Where will I pick up my children after the service is completed?  

No matter what service you are attending:
Infant through age 2 are picked up at the main nurseries.
Age 3 are picked up at Room C-5 
Ages 4 through Grade 4 are picked up at the gym

Who should drop off and pick up children?  

Because we value your child’s safety and security, ALL children infant through grade 4 must be checked-in and picked-up by a parent or guardian or another individual pre-approved by our Children’s Ministry Leaders.

Is it possible to sit together as a family in the worship service?  

Any parent who prefers is welcome to keep their children with them in the worship service.  Realize, however, that children who are with their parents in the service will need to stay with their parents for the entire service.  Because all classes for grades 5-12 are during the 9am service, it is still possible for each member of a family to sit together during the 10:30 service.

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