
Saturday, February 18, 2012

No More Mr Noah

I can honestly say that I have never enjoyed preaching a series more in 24 years of being a pastor than I have this current series on Noah here at the Gaylord E-Free Church. This is true for two reasons. First, it is true because I have never seen a congregation connect with a message series like our church family has with this Noah series. This series generated a real “buzz” in our church and even in our community that has been exciting to watch. I did not expect this at all. I planned this "winter series" to be merely an educational series in which we as a church dig a little deeper into a part of Scripture. To my amazement, God turned this merely education series into something very special - a true "God thing!"

Second, this is true because of the work of our Creative Ideas Group under the direction of Joshua Rupp who is our Worship Arts Director. They have absolutely gone above and beyond in planning and executing creative elements that brought this series to life and allowed our congregation to really wrap their heads around every aspect of the story of Noah and how it affects our lives today! From our Ark which changed weekly with the theme, to the animals, to the video clips, to making it rain, to our rainbow, to our very own live Noah, this group of creative people hit the proverbial "home run" with this series (with the possible one lone exception of that pesky and very loud rooster!)!

This Sunday we will conclude our series on Noah here at Gaylord E-Free. After this Sunday the ark will be disassembled and sadly, it will be “No More Mr Noah!” Last Sunday we saw that sin and death survived the flood as we saw Noah’s disobedience in Genesis chapter nine and the fact that he, like all mankind, died. But though dead, Noah’s life story lives on today. This Sunday we will take the time to look at four different passages of Scripture in the New Testament where Noah is mentioned and where we see that the story we have studied the past six weeks is still making a difference in people's lives hundreds of years later.

If you have to miss a Sunday in this series, whatever you do, don’t miss this Sunday as we conclude our series, “The Noah Factor: All Are Welcome!”

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