
Thursday, January 26, 2012


There is a BUZZ going on surrounding the ministry here at Gaylord E-Free Church. I love it. Now BUZZ is not simply seen through the numbers attending. It can be seen in many other ways. For example:

What is happening on Sunday mornings at E-Free is being talked about all through the city of Gaylord during the week. One of our church members who works at the hospital said that our service last Sunday with the ark and all the animals was the talk of the hospital. That's BUZZ!

People are coming that don't usually attend church. I heard this week of a Senior Citizen who has not attended church regularly for over 40 years who has now attended E-Free 3 weeks in a row and loves it. I heard of a lady who does not believe in going to church who was at E-Free last Sunday with her daughter and loved it. That's BUZZ!

One of the woman in the church told me with great excitement how wonderful it was to pull into the church parking lot Sunday and park behind a car that had a big "HOOTERS" restaurant bumper sticker on it! Seriously, how many times do you see a "HOOTERS" bumper sticker in a church parking lot? That's BUZZ!

Comments about our church are all over Facebook and the number of readers of our church Facebook page is exploding! That's BUZZ!

Our Life Groups are not just connecting people, they are resulting in people taking steps of faith. A lady came into the church office yesterday who wants to be baptized this Sunday? Why? Because she was encouraged to take that step of faith in her Life Group the night before! That's BUZZ!

You can literally feel the anticipation each Sunday morning as everyone arrives and the noise level in the foyer after the services each Sunday is amazing! That's BUZZ!

So join the BUZZ at Gaylord E-Free! To infinity and beyond!!!

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