Some Sunday mornings will stay in my memory and in my heart my whole life. This Sunday was one one of those Sundays. It is amazing what all happened on one Sunday morning at the Gaylord Evangelical Free Church here in Gaylord, Michigan. To say that my heart is overflowing is an understatement. Here are some highlights:
We had an attendance this morning of 782! Our church is growing and for that we are very thankful and excited! Praise the Lord!
We saw 47 people follow the Lord in water baptism! It was such a joy to see so many of all ages taking this step of faith. 7 different staff members/elders did all of the baptizing in two different tanks. Praise the Lord!
We saw many people pray to receive Christ as their personal Savior! At the end of the day that is what it is all about! Praise the Lord!
We all enjoyed a home made Thanksgiving dinner with all the fixings and got over 500 people through the serving lines in 20 minutes flat! In fact, you can see above the before and after pictures of this meal in our church gymnasium! Praise the Lord!
The stories I heard afterwards were amazing. I don't have the space to tell them all, but one comment I saw afterwards on Facebook summed it up well. It said:
Some very amazing things are happening at my church, E-Free. Today, I witnessed as 47 people were baptized. Some people gave their lives to the Lord for the first time, and some people recommitted their lives to Christ. Afterward, we ate Thanksgiving dinner with our church family (which just keeps on growing). God is working through the lives of people in Gaylord! I have never felt closer to God in my whole life, and it is the most beautiful feeling I have ever experienced.
All I can say is, "Thank you Lord"! That even in these painful times of this earth, He reaches down His hand and allows time to sit still if for one morning. Thank you PapaGod! We love you and are so grateful for what you are doing in our church.
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