September 17 one year ago was a day in my life that brought to a head over 8 months of adversity. I never would have guessed on that day that I would be where I am today. But as important and wonderful as our destination has been, the blessings really have come more in the journey. I think we often focus on the destination while God is just as interested in the journey that gets us to that point. Looking back today at the journey over the past year, I find myself very thankful for the following blessings from the journey:
I am thankful for my wife and kids - the journey brought us even closer as a family!
I am thankful for friends who walked with us day by day through the journey!
I am thankful for ministry mentors who gave me great encouragement and counsel through the journey!
I am thankful for individuals who showered love on us in tangible ways through the journey!
I am thankful for individuals that we were able to minister to that we never would have met had it not been for the journey of the past year!
I am thankful for the burden God has put in my heart to come along side of other pastors who are facing adversity in their journey and for the opportunities God has brought for me to do just that!
I am thankful for God's Word, especially the verse in Isaiah that says "In quietness and trust is my strength," which was the verse my wife and I clung to during the journey!
I am thankful for the lessons God allowed me to learn about life, ministry and myself through the journey!
I am thankful for the destination God has led me to here in Gaylord, MI as a result of the journey!
I am thankful for the journey itself - though I am not sure I could have said that one year ago today!
We are glad your journey brought you and Laura to Gaylord. We are blessed to have you here!
I'm thankful for your dedication and hard work here at Lititz,It was a time of greatest spiritual growth for me personaly, I think many would say the same!
I'm also thankful for our freindship with you and Laura....So Sorry it ended the way it did...But we know God has greater plans than ours!
Thank you, Carrie! We are blessed to be here!
I too am thankful for your journey, your ministry in my life then and still today, and our friendship. You've passed along many of your learnings from your journey not only from our weekly breakfasts (that I really miss!) but also just watching you and Laura. So thankful that you are exactly where you are suppose to be, exactly where God wants you to be. Love you bro! (even though you're a Buckeye fan)
Thanks, Duane! We have so appreciated you and Carol's friendship! We love and miss you both and your wonderful family!
Thanks, Rick! I'd give anything for one of those breakfasts! Sure do miss you, my friend!
Scott, Greg and I are at the very beginning of one of those journeys ourselves. Life in ministry can be so excruciating at times. I'm thankful that the Lord doesn't require us to endure the trials without Him, and so thankful that He brings people alongside us who have gone through similar experiences and can remind us of God's faithfulness.
Thank you for the encouragement of this post! Much love to you and Laura!
Hi Shelby! So sorry to hear about the ministry pain you and Greg are experiencing. We know what that is like and we also know that God is still faithful in spite of the hurts. If you and Greg would ever like to talk more about it, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can email me at skdistler@gmail.com or sidstler@gaylordefree.org. I will be praying that through your trial, you will fall more in love with Jesus, more in love with each other, more in love with your calling, and more in love with the local church!
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