
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Exclamation Point to the Sunday Message

I am very excited about tonight as it will be the first meeting of the Life Group that Laura and I will be leading. Life Groups are the small groups ministry here at the Gaylord E-Free Church (GEFC). I love the way they are done here. Each week as I prepare the message I also prepare a series of questions for the Life Groups. This allows the leaders of these groups to use these questions throughout the week as they meet to dig further into the message and to more easily see the applications to their lives. In my opinion, this makes Life Groups the "Exclamation Point" of the Sunday message. Life Group questions are broken down into three areas:

Getting To Know Me!

Getting Into The Word!

Getting Into My Daily Life!

Of course, the best part of Life Groups are the opportunities to connect with others in a more intimate setting. As GEFC continues to grow, this becomes even more vital. The truth is that even now, running around 600 in attendance on Sundays, we will never really get to know everybody that attends. We are already beyond that and we will, by the grace of God, continue to grow and reach even more people, making this even more of a challenge. That is why Life Groups are so essential to the spiritual health of those who attend GEFC. It gives you the chance, not just to attend church, but to get connected.

Tonight Laura and I will be part of our very first Life Group here at GEFC! We can't wait to be part of this small group and to make connections with others who will be in our group. We can't wait to have our Life Group become the Exclamation Point to the message from Sunday!

Be sure to read my other blog entitled "Hope For Hurting Pastors" at You can leave a comment at either blog or email me directly at

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