JOY! What a great word. But most people really don't understand it. Most people think JOY is synonymous with HAPPINESS. But it is not even close. HAPPINESS is a feeling that comes and goes based on circumstances. When life is great, you're HAPPY! When you get a raise or a promotion at work, you're HAPPY. When your team wins, you're HAPPY! But as soon as your circumstances change, HAPPINESS vanishes.
Such is not the case with JOY! JOY is an inner contentment in spite of your circumstances. In other words, even when the bottom drops out of your life, you can still experience JOY! JOY has nothing to do with your circumstances (which are constantly changing) but everything to do with your position in Christ (which never changes for the believer in Jesus)! What we need today is a "JOY transfusion." So let me suggest two ways to make this happen:
First, beginning today, take time to also follow my other blog which is entitled "Hope For Hurting Pastors." You can find it at the link below:
Beginning today at "Hope for Hurting Pastors" I will start a series of posts on the topic of JOY. the Bible has so much to share about this wonderful and important topic. I post a new article at "Hope for Hurting Pastors" each Monday, Wednesday and Friday so be sure to follow it for the next few weeks and learn more about what the Bible has to say about JOY.
Second, take what I like to call the "Philippians Challenge." There is no better book in the Bible to show true JOY than the book of Philippians. Even though Paul wrote this book while chained to a guard, sitting in a Roman prison, the main topic is still JOY. The book is just 4 short chapters. It would take you about 20 minutes to read it in one setting. So here is the "Philippians Challenge." Read the book of Philippians in its entirety in one setting every single day for 30 consecutive days. I guarantee you that at the end of the 30 days you will understand JOY better than you ever have.
So take a "JOY transfusion." Follow my posts on the topic of JOY beginning today at "Hope for Hurting Pastors" and take the 30-day "Philippians Challenge." JOY! It really is a great word!
Such is not the case with JOY! JOY is an inner contentment in spite of your circumstances. In other words, even when the bottom drops out of your life, you can still experience JOY! JOY has nothing to do with your circumstances (which are constantly changing) but everything to do with your position in Christ (which never changes for the believer in Jesus)! What we need today is a "JOY transfusion." So let me suggest two ways to make this happen:
First, beginning today, take time to also follow my other blog which is entitled "Hope For Hurting Pastors." You can find it at the link below:
Beginning today at "Hope for Hurting Pastors" I will start a series of posts on the topic of JOY. the Bible has so much to share about this wonderful and important topic. I post a new article at "Hope for Hurting Pastors" each Monday, Wednesday and Friday so be sure to follow it for the next few weeks and learn more about what the Bible has to say about JOY.
Second, take what I like to call the "Philippians Challenge." There is no better book in the Bible to show true JOY than the book of Philippians. Even though Paul wrote this book while chained to a guard, sitting in a Roman prison, the main topic is still JOY. The book is just 4 short chapters. It would take you about 20 minutes to read it in one setting. So here is the "Philippians Challenge." Read the book of Philippians in its entirety in one setting every single day for 30 consecutive days. I guarantee you that at the end of the 30 days you will understand JOY better than you ever have.
So take a "JOY transfusion." Follow my posts on the topic of JOY beginning today at "Hope for Hurting Pastors" and take the 30-day "Philippians Challenge." JOY! It really is a great word!
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