In my post yesterday we saw that in light of the fact that Jesus is going to return, 2 Peter chapter three teaches us of our need to live holy and godly lives and to eagerly await His return. In verse twelve peter also tells us that we should be “hastening” the Day of God (I explained my view on the Day of God in yesterday’s post). In other words, we should be actively involved in speeding up its coming. Can we really do that? We must be able to if Peter gives this as an admonition. But how? How can I hasten – how can I speed up the Day of God? I think there just might be two possibilities.
First, it just might be that we can hasten the Day of God by praying. Remember how Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10. He said to pray, “You kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” What is this a prayer about? When will this happen that the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven? That will occur during the Millennial Kingdom. Jesus says that we should pray for that day to come. That is exactly how the Apostle John prayed in the very last prayer recorded in the Bible in Revelation 22:20 when he writes, “Amen, Come, Lord Jesus!”
Second, it also might be that we can hasten the Day of God by preaching. Speaking of the time period during the 7-year tribulation before He returns to set up His kingdom on earth, Jesus taught this in Matthew 24:14. He said, “This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” When you combine this with the fact that Peter taught us that one of the reasons Jesus hasn’t come back yet is because God is giving more time for people to hear and respond to the Gospel so they do not perish, it would seem to me that every time we share our faith in Jesus we are hastening, we are working to speed up that coming Day of God.
So with that being said, let me end this series of posts by talking to those of you who are reading who have been checking out church and checking out the claims of Christ but who have not yet put your faith in His death and resurrection for your sins. Jesus has not come back yet, has He? And do you know why He hasn’t? Because in His patience He is giving you another opportunity to change your mind about Jesus and put your faith in Him alone. Right now you have another chance due to the patience of God and His desire for you not to perish – not to go to hell. But one day those chances will come to and. In fact, today could very well be your final chance. God’s patience does not eliminate His judgment. So if you have never put your faith alone in the death and resurrection of Jesus – may I strongly encourage you to make that decision today? For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!
Even so come, Lord Jesus! Even so come today!
Even so come Lord Jesus! Catch up Thy Bride away!
O how my heart is yearning! Longing for Thy returning!
Even so come Lord, Jesus! Even so come today!
First, it just might be that we can hasten the Day of God by praying. Remember how Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:10. He said to pray, “You kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” What is this a prayer about? When will this happen that the will of God will be done on earth as it is in heaven? That will occur during the Millennial Kingdom. Jesus says that we should pray for that day to come. That is exactly how the Apostle John prayed in the very last prayer recorded in the Bible in Revelation 22:20 when he writes, “Amen, Come, Lord Jesus!”
Second, it also might be that we can hasten the Day of God by preaching. Speaking of the time period during the 7-year tribulation before He returns to set up His kingdom on earth, Jesus taught this in Matthew 24:14. He said, “This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.” When you combine this with the fact that Peter taught us that one of the reasons Jesus hasn’t come back yet is because God is giving more time for people to hear and respond to the Gospel so they do not perish, it would seem to me that every time we share our faith in Jesus we are hastening, we are working to speed up that coming Day of God.
So with that being said, let me end this series of posts by talking to those of you who are reading who have been checking out church and checking out the claims of Christ but who have not yet put your faith in His death and resurrection for your sins. Jesus has not come back yet, has He? And do you know why He hasn’t? Because in His patience He is giving you another opportunity to change your mind about Jesus and put your faith in Him alone. Right now you have another chance due to the patience of God and His desire for you not to perish – not to go to hell. But one day those chances will come to and. In fact, today could very well be your final chance. God’s patience does not eliminate His judgment. So if you have never put your faith alone in the death and resurrection of Jesus – may I strongly encourage you to make that decision today? For whosoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved!
Even so come, Lord Jesus! Even so come today!
Even so come Lord Jesus! Catch up Thy Bride away!
O how my heart is yearning! Longing for Thy returning!
Even so come Lord, Jesus! Even so come today!
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