
Friday, April 02, 2010

We live. We die. And the wheels on the bus go round and round.

The Bucket List is a 2007 Warner Brothers movie about two cancer-ward roommates who decide to make a bucket list of things to do before their cancer causes them to “kick the bucket.” The movie is all about their many adventures as they accomplish their bucket list before it’s too late. There is a scene in the movie when the two men are on a jetliner flying over the polar cap. One of the men, Carter, shares with the other, Edward, how indescribably beautiful the view is. Their dialogue is amazing. Here is what they say to each other:

Carter: “The stars…it’s really one of God’s good ones.”

Edward: “So you think a being of some sort did all of this?”

Carter: “You don’t?”

Edward: “You mean, do I believe if I look up in the sky and promise this or that, The Biggie will make all this (speaking of their terminal cancer) go away? No.”

Carter: “Then 95% of the people on earth are wrong.”

Edward: “If life has taught me anything, it’s 95% of the people are always wrong.”

Carter: “It’s called faith.”

Edward: “I honestly envy people who have faith. I just can’t get my head around it.”

Carter: : “Maybe your head’s in the way.”

Edward: “Carter, we’ve all had hundreds of these discussions, and everyone of them always hits the same wall. Is there a sugarplum fairy or not? And nobody has ever gotten over that wall.”

Carter: “So, what do you believe?”

Edward: “I resist all beliefs.”

Carter: “No Big Bang? Random Universe?”

Edward: “We live. We die. And the wheels on the bus go round and round.”

Look at that last line again. “We live. We die. And the wheels on the bus go round and round.” That sure seems to be the philosophy and worldview of many people around us. But is it really true? That’s what we will be talking about this weekend, Easter weekend (Sat 5pm; Sun 8:30, 10, 11:03) as we face the fear of death head on!

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