In 2006, Warner Brothers released an action and adventure movie under the direction of Bryan Singer called Superman Returns. In the movie, Superman had been gone for five years seeking his home planet. While he was gone things changed on his adopted planet Earth. Life moved on without him including the life of his love, Lois Lane. She now has both a son and a fiancĂ© and she has won a coveted Pulitzer Prize for her piece, “Why The World Doesn’t Need Superman.” To make the plot thicken, evil Lex Luthor has a diabolical plan going that if enacted will destroy millions of lives.
There is a scene in the movie where Superman meets an angry Lois Lane on a rooftop to update her on where he’s been for the last five years.
Lois says, “Well, you’re back and everyone seems to be pretty happy about it.”
Superman replies, “Not everyone. I read the article Lois…How could you write it?”
Lois answers, “How could you leave us like that? I moved on. So did the rest of us. That’s why I wrote it.”
And then Lois says this line that stopped me in my tracks:
“The world doesn’t need a savior and neither do I.”
Superman had left earth for 5 years. Even the very one that loved him the most had moved on with her life. Now she no longer had any need for him as her savior. I wonder if the writer of this screenplay had any idea of the spiritual similarities to this story.
Jesus came to earth. He lived for 33 years. He died. He rose from the dead. He ascended back into heaven. He’s now been gone for some 2,000 years, and ask most people in the world today their thoughts and they would most likely say like Lois Lane,
“The world doesn’t need a savior and neither do I.”
But Lois Lane was wrong in the movie. Evil was at work and it was threatening all of mankind. Lex Luthor had a plan and even though Lois Lane didn’t realize it, she and the world desperately needed a superman. They desperately needed a Savior.
Such is the case today. Evil is at work. Man is dead in their sins and unable on their own to do anything about it. Satan has a plan that will destroy the souls of all men for all of eternity. The world desperately needs a Savior! I desperately need a Savior! You desperately need a Savior! Jesus is that Savior. His death for our sins and His resurrection from the dead is the only answer. Lois Lane was wrong. Don’t make the same mistake. This isn’t a movie. The world needs a Savior and so do you.
There is a scene in the movie where Superman meets an angry Lois Lane on a rooftop to update her on where he’s been for the last five years.
Lois says, “Well, you’re back and everyone seems to be pretty happy about it.”
Superman replies, “Not everyone. I read the article Lois…How could you write it?”
Lois answers, “How could you leave us like that? I moved on. So did the rest of us. That’s why I wrote it.”
And then Lois says this line that stopped me in my tracks:
“The world doesn’t need a savior and neither do I.”
Superman had left earth for 5 years. Even the very one that loved him the most had moved on with her life. Now she no longer had any need for him as her savior. I wonder if the writer of this screenplay had any idea of the spiritual similarities to this story.
Jesus came to earth. He lived for 33 years. He died. He rose from the dead. He ascended back into heaven. He’s now been gone for some 2,000 years, and ask most people in the world today their thoughts and they would most likely say like Lois Lane,
“The world doesn’t need a savior and neither do I.”
But Lois Lane was wrong in the movie. Evil was at work and it was threatening all of mankind. Lex Luthor had a plan and even though Lois Lane didn’t realize it, she and the world desperately needed a superman. They desperately needed a Savior.
Such is the case today. Evil is at work. Man is dead in their sins and unable on their own to do anything about it. Satan has a plan that will destroy the souls of all men for all of eternity. The world desperately needs a Savior! I desperately need a Savior! You desperately need a Savior! Jesus is that Savior. His death for our sins and His resurrection from the dead is the only answer. Lois Lane was wrong. Don’t make the same mistake. This isn’t a movie. The world needs a Savior and so do you.
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