Yesterday I highlighted the first five of the ten highlights that will take place over just the first six months of 2010. These five included The Year of Prayer; Love: Going for Gold; Our New Café; Vision Month; and Easter.
Now let me share the remaining five highlights for the first six months of 2010:
Face Your Fears – Easter will begin a new message series as we look at what the Bible says about six fears regarding the future that you selected back in November through a “Fear Survey.” For our big promotional drive leading up to Easter we will be having 1,000 yard signs made that simply say “FACE YOUR FEARS” with the church website also on each. We are asking every family to put one of these signs in your front yard three weeks prior to Easter so that neighbors and those who pass by will either ask you about the sign or go to our church website. Either way they will receive an invitation to Easter and our new “Face Your Fears” message series.
Survivor: Old Testament – Over the final six weeks of the dog days of summer in 2010 we will be having a message series that we are calling “Survivor: Old Testament.” This series will highlight six of the most exciting stories found in the Old Testament. What will make this series unique is that during our “Face Your Fears” message series beginning on Easter weekend you will pick what stories we use. We will start with 12 possibilities and each Sunday during the “Face Your Fears” series you will “vote two stories off the island” until we only have six stories that are left.
Saturday Night Worship Service – Part of our five year vision plan that we introduced at the beginning of 2009 calls for us to start a regular Saturday night service in 2010. We are hoping that we might be able to use our “Face Your Fears” series to pilot a Saturday night service so that we can make final preparations to see this become a regular part of our weekend ministry and open up a whole new venue opportunity to touch people.
Big Event At Clipper Magazine Stadium – On Sunday, June 27, 2010, we have made arrangements to rent out Clipper Magazine Stadium for a County Wide Big Event in an attempt to make a personal and positive touch with 10,000-15,000 people in Lancaster County through a morning celebration service followed by an afternoon and evening full of free activities and events for the entire family. A Task Force is currently at work planning this event that will help us to meet as many people as possible right where they are and help move each of them to where God wants them to be.
Class Of 2010 – This year another class will graduate from Lititz Christian School which is always a highlight for our ministry. The Class of 2010 will be an extra special graduating class for me since it also includes my son, Jonathan.
So, as you can see just by looking at the first six months of 2010, this is going to be a great year for Grace Church. And the best part is, it may also be the year Jesus returns!
Now let me share the remaining five highlights for the first six months of 2010:
Face Your Fears – Easter will begin a new message series as we look at what the Bible says about six fears regarding the future that you selected back in November through a “Fear Survey.” For our big promotional drive leading up to Easter we will be having 1,000 yard signs made that simply say “FACE YOUR FEARS” with the church website also on each. We are asking every family to put one of these signs in your front yard three weeks prior to Easter so that neighbors and those who pass by will either ask you about the sign or go to our church website. Either way they will receive an invitation to Easter and our new “Face Your Fears” message series.
Survivor: Old Testament – Over the final six weeks of the dog days of summer in 2010 we will be having a message series that we are calling “Survivor: Old Testament.” This series will highlight six of the most exciting stories found in the Old Testament. What will make this series unique is that during our “Face Your Fears” message series beginning on Easter weekend you will pick what stories we use. We will start with 12 possibilities and each Sunday during the “Face Your Fears” series you will “vote two stories off the island” until we only have six stories that are left.
Saturday Night Worship Service – Part of our five year vision plan that we introduced at the beginning of 2009 calls for us to start a regular Saturday night service in 2010. We are hoping that we might be able to use our “Face Your Fears” series to pilot a Saturday night service so that we can make final preparations to see this become a regular part of our weekend ministry and open up a whole new venue opportunity to touch people.
Big Event At Clipper Magazine Stadium – On Sunday, June 27, 2010, we have made arrangements to rent out Clipper Magazine Stadium for a County Wide Big Event in an attempt to make a personal and positive touch with 10,000-15,000 people in Lancaster County through a morning celebration service followed by an afternoon and evening full of free activities and events for the entire family. A Task Force is currently at work planning this event that will help us to meet as many people as possible right where they are and help move each of them to where God wants them to be.
Class Of 2010 – This year another class will graduate from Lititz Christian School which is always a highlight for our ministry. The Class of 2010 will be an extra special graduating class for me since it also includes my son, Jonathan.
So, as you can see just by looking at the first six months of 2010, this is going to be a great year for Grace Church. And the best part is, it may also be the year Jesus returns!
Dear Pastor Scott,
Will the event at Clipper Stadium include presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Are you going to hand out Gospel tracts?
The morning of the event will be a large celebration service as instead of having our regular 3 services at Grace Church we will have one big celebration at the stadium which will include preaching and the Gospel. All of the events of the afternoon and evening are desgined to be an opportunity for us to make a first connection with people in our community.
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