
Friday, October 02, 2009


This Sunday in all three of our morning worship services here at Grace Church in Lititz, PA, we begin our new series through the first three chapters of the book of Ephesians that we are calling:

Grace Matters

This title has a play on words. On one had we will see that the GRACE of God matters. But we will also be seeing that salvation is more than just our getting to go to heaven. It also means that we get to be part of this great plan of God for this age called "the church." So in that regard, GRACE Church matters as well.

This series will be unique in that we will go over the main teaching of the passage in our services on Sunday mornings. Then, throughout the week through our small group ministry that we call CONNECT Groups, we will be digging deeper and discussing how these principles apply to our lives, especially as it relates to our involvement here at Grace Church.

Over 40% of the number of adults that attend Grace Church on Sunday morning are already signed up for one of our many CONNECT Groups. It is no too late for you to get connected in this way as well. For help in becoming part of a CONNECT Group here at Grace, stop by the CONNECT table in the church lobby this Sunday. If you have questions about our CONNECT Groups, feel free to e-mail them to to get answers
If you don't live near Grace Church in Lititz, you can also be part of this series through our live webcast that happens at 10am (PA time) each Sunday by going to:



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