Back in June of 2008 I dressed up in a full SUPERMAN costume to preach as part of our Super Heroes message series. I promised myself that I would never put the blue spandex and red cape back on ever again. Now, I am breaking that promise. I can tell you that to get me back in that costume would take something very important.
MorningStar Childcare and Lititz Christian School (LCS) are important and effective ministries of Grace Church. I have seen the value of these ministries day in and day out as a pastor and as a parent who has had two kids attend. But as you can imagine, the economic downturn of our country has provided challenges for all private education institutions. The administration of LCS has worked hard to make cuts and sacrifices, but even with this, in order to meet their budget they must raise still $250,000.
As a result, I have made the personal commitment to take it upon myself as the leader of our overall ministry to "jumpstart" their drive to raise this $250,000. On November 20th, our Educational Ministries will be holding its annual Race for Education fund-raiser in which our students spend the morning walking and/or running, getting sponsors who make pledges toward their walking/running per lap or at a flat donation. I have committed to participate in this year's Race for Education and to do so once again wearing the SUPERMAN outfit.
But I believe that leadership should go "above and beyond" (or in SUPERMAN'S case, "up, up and away!"). This year's event, because it is being held later in the year than usual, will be held indoors. NOT ME! I am committing to do my "walking" (sorry, not only will you not see SUPERMAN fly, you will not see him run either) outside no matter what the weather. Rain, sleet, hail, cold, snow, blizzard, hurricane, tsunami...it doesn't matter. If SUPERMAN can leap tall buildings in a single bound, I can do my walking outside in whatever weather there might be (but please pray with me that God would give us a warm, sunny November day on the 20th so SUPERMAN doesn't catch pneumonia).
I have set a personal goal of raising $20,000 in sponsors for my participating in our Race for Education as SUPERMAN. For this to happen, I could really use your help. As a reader of this blog, whether you are part of our ministry here at Grace or not, would you consider sponsoring me in my SUPER HERO participation in our Race for Education and help me to personally raise $20,000 for our school? I am not doing the "per lap" angle of the fund-raiser (SUPERMAN isn't in the best of shape right now), I am just doing the flat donations. To make your pledge, simply e-mail me (skdistler@lgbc.org) letting me know the amount of your pledge. Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive a tax receipt for it. You can then send your donation, made out to Lititz Christian School, at anytime between now and the end of November to Lititz Christian School; 501 W Lincoln Ave; Lititz, PA 17543.
MorningStar Childcare and Lititz Christian School (LCS) are important and effective ministries of Grace Church. I have seen the value of these ministries day in and day out as a pastor and as a parent who has had two kids attend. But as you can imagine, the economic downturn of our country has provided challenges for all private education institutions. The administration of LCS has worked hard to make cuts and sacrifices, but even with this, in order to meet their budget they must raise still $250,000.
As a result, I have made the personal commitment to take it upon myself as the leader of our overall ministry to "jumpstart" their drive to raise this $250,000. On November 20th, our Educational Ministries will be holding its annual Race for Education fund-raiser in which our students spend the morning walking and/or running, getting sponsors who make pledges toward their walking/running per lap or at a flat donation. I have committed to participate in this year's Race for Education and to do so once again wearing the SUPERMAN outfit.
But I believe that leadership should go "above and beyond" (or in SUPERMAN'S case, "up, up and away!"). This year's event, because it is being held later in the year than usual, will be held indoors. NOT ME! I am committing to do my "walking" (sorry, not only will you not see SUPERMAN fly, you will not see him run either) outside no matter what the weather. Rain, sleet, hail, cold, snow, blizzard, hurricane, tsunami...it doesn't matter. If SUPERMAN can leap tall buildings in a single bound, I can do my walking outside in whatever weather there might be (but please pray with me that God would give us a warm, sunny November day on the 20th so SUPERMAN doesn't catch pneumonia).
I have set a personal goal of raising $20,000 in sponsors for my participating in our Race for Education as SUPERMAN. For this to happen, I could really use your help. As a reader of this blog, whether you are part of our ministry here at Grace or not, would you consider sponsoring me in my SUPER HERO participation in our Race for Education and help me to personally raise $20,000 for our school? I am not doing the "per lap" angle of the fund-raiser (SUPERMAN isn't in the best of shape right now), I am just doing the flat donations. To make your pledge, simply e-mail me (skdistler@lgbc.org) letting me know the amount of your pledge. Your donation is tax-deductible and you will receive a tax receipt for it. You can then send your donation, made out to Lititz Christian School, at anytime between now and the end of November to Lititz Christian School; 501 W Lincoln Ave; Lititz, PA 17543.
I have already asked our Church Elders, Church Staff and our Board of Education members, along with a few friends, to sponsor me and have already received 29 sponsors totalling $7,260.00! That is just over one-third of the way to my goal already! Only $12,740.00 to go!
So thank you in advance for helping me and our Educational Ministries! And it goes go without saying that I would ask that you not take any monies away from your normal giving to the church you attend for this event. I look forward to receiving your e-mail.
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