
Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Financial Opportunity - Turning Around DEBT - Part 2

Yesterday we saw that the more debt we have the more we lose control of our lives. And with loss of control comes the addition of risk. That’s what proverbs 22:26-27 teaches, “Do not be among those who give pledges, among those who become sureties for debts. If you have nothing with which to pay, why should he take your bed from under you?” That’s the final principle. To acquire debt foolishly is to put myself at great risk. That’s why this economic crisis is even worse for many Americans, because they entered it already up to their eyeballs in debt. I am very sure that I am describing many people reading this posting. One thing I know for sure is that none of us can go back and change the past. We got into debt and that’s a fact. The real question is, “When will we finally reach that day when we stop and shout, ‘Enough!?’ It’s time to change my habits. It’s time to become a faithful steward over all 100% of what God gives me!

My prayer is that the obstacle of our current financial crisis in America will wake up the church of Jesus Christ and we will take it as an opportunity to add something to our finances that we have lacked for a long, long, long, long time…DISCIPLINE. Why do we need discipline? Because there really is no quick fix to our debt situation. The only way you can turn around the ship of debt is with DISCIPLINE and unfortunately that is a character trait that is very absent in our culture today.

So where do I start? Let me give you just two beginning steps. These aren’t final steps…these are beginning steps. I can only get you started in the right direction. I can’t take you to the finish line. Once you put into place these beginning steps, you may need to seek out some godly people who can help you go the distance. But here are some beginning steps. Remember, it isn’t a light switch. You can’t just go flip the switch and all the darkness of your financial misery will be gone. That’s why it takes DISCIPLINE.

Your temptation is going to be to respond with EXCUSES. Folks, listen, the more excuses you make the more in debt you become. The more in debt you become the more you lose control of your life. The more you lose control of your life the more at risk you make yourself and your family. In this time of economic upheaval we each have the opportunity to stop offering EXCUSES and start offering DISCIPLINE.

Principle #1, you must put God first in your finances. Now stop! I know what immediately went through your mind…an EXCUSE! Remember, you have the opportunity to quit offering excuses and start offering discipline. No excuses. That is really the key to turning around your ship of debt. Let me just make it clear. How can you expect God to bless your finances when you are not putting Him first with your money? That is where you start. God rewards obedience. He blesses obedience. He responds when we act in faith. Here is what Jesus said. He said not to worry about what you will eat and what you will wear. Instead, he said to seek God first and all these needs will be added to you. In other words, God promises that if we will put Him first with our finances, He will meet our needs.

More tomorrow...


  1. 即ハメセレブは完全無料でご利用できる出会いコミュニティです。今までにない実績で、あなたの希望に合った人をお探しします。毎月考えられない豪華なイベントを開催しているので出会いを保障します

  2. 「友達の中で処女なのは私だけ…でも恥ずかしくて処女だなんて言えない、誰でもイイからバージンを貰ってほしい!」そんな女性が沢山いる事をご存じですか?出合いが無かった、家が厳格だった等の理由でHを経験したことがない女性がたくさんいるのです。当サイトはそんな女性たちと男性を引き合わせるサイトです

  3. メアド開運、あなたの使ってるメアドを診断出来ちゃうサイト!吉と出るか凶と出るかはあなた次第、普段使ってるメアドの金運、恋愛運が測定できちゃいます

  4. 冬に1人ボッチで家でご飯とかオヤスミなんて寂しすぎるょ~~っ!こんなところに書き込んだら削除されちゃいそうだけど少しでもきっかけ作らなくっちゃと思って書いてみましたっ!!気軽に会ったり出来たりする方ってこの掲示板見てませんか~!?良かったらメールくださいね★フリメだったら私気付けないんで携帯のアドレス乗せておくねっ!!


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