Growing up I was never really into the hard type rock and roll. I was always a soft rock, easy-listening type of guy. In fact, the other night I was up watching a ballgame and when the ballgame ended, though it was well past my bedtime, I couldn’t pull myself away from the television because right after the game was a 30 minute infomercial for the best easy-listening love songs of the 70’s. Though I did resist the urge to call and order, I watched the entire 30 minutes of different clips from songs that took me back to my childhood.
But nowadays, even though I am in my mid 40’s, I have developed an interest in a little more rock and roll style of music. In fact, not long ago my wife and I both bought tickets to a concert with nine rock and roll bands. Most of these bands were the loud type music that made even your very clothes vibrate as you listened, hoping the walls continued to stand as the vibrations shook the structure of the building.
Why my interest? Because one of these nine bands is called Eternal Mindset. It is a band my son is in. Yes, they can play the loud rock and roll, but they also do a fantastic job of playing worship music as well. My son, Jonathan, is the only vocal in the group. In fact, he has written some of their songs. They were one of the nine bands we went to hear the other night at “The Battle of the Bands.” They were definitely the youngest band there and were going up against some bands that played for a living. And out of the nine bands, Eternal Mindset came in at #4. Not bad!
Last month they were one of ten entries in the WJTL Talent Challenge at Long’s Park and won the contest. They are doing a great job and will sonn be making their first recording. They have been used to lead worship in our youth group here at Grace Church and have also led worship in Chapel at Lititz Christian School.
The truth is that I really only like Rock and Roll of this magnitude when it is my son who is singing, playing shouting and jumping. It’s been fun to watch Jonathan’s passion for music and for worship grow. His desire is to become a Worship Arts Director. After he graduates in June of 2010, he will be heading to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA where he will be a worship major in their School of Worship Arts. I can’t way to see how God uses Jonathan in the future.
Eternal Mindset is actually going to be doing a concert here at Grace Church at 7pm on Friday, June 5th. Yes, some of the songs will be loud but some will also include more of a worship flavor to them. Either way, I’ll be there proud as a peacock, cheering on my son and the rest of the band. So, if you would like to support and encourage these high school guys who are part of Grace Church and you can handle some loud music, come on out to this free concert and cheer them on. And how about this? Matt McElravy, our very own Worship Arts Director here at Grace Church will be opening for Eternal Mindset. I appreciate Matt’s investment in encouraging Jonathan and the other guys to use their gifts and talents for the Lord.
But nowadays, even though I am in my mid 40’s, I have developed an interest in a little more rock and roll style of music. In fact, not long ago my wife and I both bought tickets to a concert with nine rock and roll bands. Most of these bands were the loud type music that made even your very clothes vibrate as you listened, hoping the walls continued to stand as the vibrations shook the structure of the building.
Why my interest? Because one of these nine bands is called Eternal Mindset. It is a band my son is in. Yes, they can play the loud rock and roll, but they also do a fantastic job of playing worship music as well. My son, Jonathan, is the only vocal in the group. In fact, he has written some of their songs. They were one of the nine bands we went to hear the other night at “The Battle of the Bands.” They were definitely the youngest band there and were going up against some bands that played for a living. And out of the nine bands, Eternal Mindset came in at #4. Not bad!
Last month they were one of ten entries in the WJTL Talent Challenge at Long’s Park and won the contest. They are doing a great job and will sonn be making their first recording. They have been used to lead worship in our youth group here at Grace Church and have also led worship in Chapel at Lititz Christian School.
The truth is that I really only like Rock and Roll of this magnitude when it is my son who is singing, playing shouting and jumping. It’s been fun to watch Jonathan’s passion for music and for worship grow. His desire is to become a Worship Arts Director. After he graduates in June of 2010, he will be heading to Liberty University in Lynchburg, VA where he will be a worship major in their School of Worship Arts. I can’t way to see how God uses Jonathan in the future.
Eternal Mindset is actually going to be doing a concert here at Grace Church at 7pm on Friday, June 5th. Yes, some of the songs will be loud but some will also include more of a worship flavor to them. Either way, I’ll be there proud as a peacock, cheering on my son and the rest of the band. So, if you would like to support and encourage these high school guys who are part of Grace Church and you can handle some loud music, come on out to this free concert and cheer them on. And how about this? Matt McElravy, our very own Worship Arts Director here at Grace Church will be opening for Eternal Mindset. I appreciate Matt’s investment in encouraging Jonathan and the other guys to use their gifts and talents for the Lord.
hey! thats the pic i edited of the guys! nice! :)
and i'm planning on being there Friday night if all goes well with work! wouldn't want to miss it!
as a daughter who back in my teens had a passion that fell short of being encouraged by my parents and therefore went reluctantly abandoned, i write this with great joy for Jon as your son and admiration for you and Laura as his parents... ROCK ON!
as a parent of a nearly teenager with more passion for the arts than i would know what to do with, i read this blog as a reminder and a motivator to stand behind, beside and in front of my daughter as she lives with this wonderful enthusiasm inside of her! After all, the God of everything seen and unseen has created her just as He wants her and am I as her parent really going to question HIM by dispiriting her just because it won't make a good career?! No, i will give thanks to the Creator for her life and ask Him to be her fire and fascination as she grows so that His Truth and Love cannot be contained within her! and however it flows from her heart, i will be proud and honored and humbled to be a part of.
Anonymous, that just may be the best comment I have ever received on my blog! Blessings to you and your daughter. Thank you for the encouragement!
Uh Oh, Kutlessgirl, I hope you are not suing me for copryight infringement. Ha! See ya Friday night hopefully!
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