
Friday, May 08, 2009

CHICK FLICKS - Coming Soon

Last Sunday we concluded our Celebrate Jesus Decade by decade series. We saw the fact that Jesus died for our sins; Jesus rose from the dead; Jesus is God; and Jesus is the only way to heaven; and the fact that Jesus never changes. We illustrated that everything else changes decade by decade but Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

But what comes next as far as message series here at Grace Church?

This Sunday is Mother’s Day and we will use this special Sunday to begin a new 5-week series that we are calling Chick Flicks of the Bible in which we will study three stories from the Old Testament that involved women. The first three weeks will take us through the story of Rahab and shows us how a non-Jewish prostitute can end up being the mother of Boaz; Mother-In-Law of Ruth; Great-Great Grandmother of King David, and part of the very line of the Messiah, as well as being one of only two women whose stories are detailed in Hebrews 11’s great Hall of Faith. The final two weeks of the series will detail the Old Testament stories of Abigail and the Wise Woman of Abel. This series will take us through the first week of June.
Starting the second week of June we will begin a 3-week series outlining all the principles regarding money as seen in the wise book of Proverbs. We are calling this series, Dollars for Dummies. In these uncertain economic times we will learn wise foundational principles concerning finances.

The first Sunday of July we will begin a summer series that will take us verse by verse through the amazing Old Testament book of Esther. I like to think of this book as the Bibles’ Beauty and the Beast. The Beauty is Queen Esther while the Beast is wicked Haman. From this study in a book that never even mentions the name of God, we will see how God orchestrates all of our lives from kings right down to orphans, in order to set up Divine Appointments in our lives.
The final two weeks of August we will study thge only miracle of Jesus that is mentioned in all four Gospel accounts. Can you guess what it is? It's the feeding of the multitude with the little boy's lunch. Why is this the only miracle mentioned in all four Gospels? What is so signigicant about it? What was Jesys trying to teach His disciples then and teach us today?

So looking ahead, here are our upcoming message series here at Grace:

-Chick Flicks of the Bible (May 10 through June 7)

-Dollars for Dummies (June 14 through June 28)

-Esther (July 5 through mid August)

-Feeding of the Multitude (final two weeks of August)

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