Back in April when God called Bryan Nelson, our former Worship Arts Director here at Grace Church, to Kansas, I appointed Matt McElravy as our Interim Worship Arts Director for the rest of the 2007 calendar year. Previous to that, Matt had interned under Bryan and then served as Bryan’s part-time Music Assistant. Matt is an incredibly talented musician and worship leader and in this interim position, Matt has done a very effective job in more than just leading our worship and overseeing our music ministry. Below is just a sampling of how I have seen Matt’s value to our ministry.
Matt has led our Worship Design Team that plans all of our Sunday morning services. This team meets once a month and plans our Sunday worship services for two months in advance. Matt not only leads the meetings but he orchestrates the implementation of all of the ideas the team decides upon for our upcoming services.
Matt has written some wonderful original songs that have become congregational favorites. It is a thrill to be able to evaluate the lyrics of these songs and to hear the stories behind how God worked in Matt’s life in the writing of the words and music. What a privilege it is for our church to use some of Matt's original music as we worship our God.
Matt was a key participant on the task force that organized our Rodeo and Western Event that allowed us to build bridges to 7,500 people last summer. Matt oversaw all of the logistics to this massive event showing his giftedness in administration.
Matt has been a team player in his flexibility in moving music worship rehearsal nights to allow our children’s ministry more effectiveness in using the gym. Matt has also been of great assistance to the music department at Lititz Christian School. One of the things that I have appreciated most about Matt is his heart for God and his desire to be a team player.
Matt has served on our Concept Development Team that is working on the best strategic way to utilize our land across the street.
Matt has been a wonderful addition to our Ministry Staff. He is a joy to partner with in ministry day in and day out. He has a very teachable spirit and a fun and kind demeanor. Best of all, Matt is still very young which means he will only get better and better and more and more effective as his years of experience continue.
This month Matt will complete 7 months of this 9 month interim position and it was my joy to announce to our church last Sunday that I have officially dropped Matt’s “Interim” title and have officially solidified him as our permanent Worship Arts Director effective November 1, 2007. There is absolutely no question in my mind that Matt is the man to lead our Worship Arts Ministry here at Grace Church for many years to come. I look forward to seeing where Matt takes this area of ministry as he makes it more of his own. Please be sure to encourage Matt often, and more importantly, to hold him up in prayer.
Matt has led our Worship Design Team that plans all of our Sunday morning services. This team meets once a month and plans our Sunday worship services for two months in advance. Matt not only leads the meetings but he orchestrates the implementation of all of the ideas the team decides upon for our upcoming services.
Matt has written some wonderful original songs that have become congregational favorites. It is a thrill to be able to evaluate the lyrics of these songs and to hear the stories behind how God worked in Matt’s life in the writing of the words and music. What a privilege it is for our church to use some of Matt's original music as we worship our God.
Matt was a key participant on the task force that organized our Rodeo and Western Event that allowed us to build bridges to 7,500 people last summer. Matt oversaw all of the logistics to this massive event showing his giftedness in administration.
Matt has been a team player in his flexibility in moving music worship rehearsal nights to allow our children’s ministry more effectiveness in using the gym. Matt has also been of great assistance to the music department at Lititz Christian School. One of the things that I have appreciated most about Matt is his heart for God and his desire to be a team player.
Matt has served on our Concept Development Team that is working on the best strategic way to utilize our land across the street.
Matt has been a wonderful addition to our Ministry Staff. He is a joy to partner with in ministry day in and day out. He has a very teachable spirit and a fun and kind demeanor. Best of all, Matt is still very young which means he will only get better and better and more and more effective as his years of experience continue.
This month Matt will complete 7 months of this 9 month interim position and it was my joy to announce to our church last Sunday that I have officially dropped Matt’s “Interim” title and have officially solidified him as our permanent Worship Arts Director effective November 1, 2007. There is absolutely no question in my mind that Matt is the man to lead our Worship Arts Ministry here at Grace Church for many years to come. I look forward to seeing where Matt takes this area of ministry as he makes it more of his own. Please be sure to encourage Matt often, and more importantly, to hold him up in prayer.
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