
Friday, August 03, 2007

Thou Shalt Go To The Movies

While we were on vacation in Florida we went to see the movie Evan Almighty. I had heard that it was a pretty good movie but I went to it with much skepticism. A movie like this was bound to have a lot of content that would make the Biblical account of Noah a mockery and certainly there would be so much “save the earth” material in it that it would probably be a waste of both my time and money.

I was pleasantly surprised. First of all, though there was a “save the earth” message in the movie, it didn’t appear to me to dominate the show. It was easy for me to look past it (in case this posting is not controversial enough let me just go ahead and say that I do not believe in the ‘global warming’ theories so prevalent in the media today). But what really surprised me were the parts of the movie that actually inspired and encouraged me. I will give a few examples but keep them somewhat vague so as not to ruin the movie for those who haven’t seen it as of yet and still may chose to go catch a matinee.

For one thing, the movie helped me to really grasp how difficult it must have been and what an incredible step of faith it would have been for Noah to obey God and build this massive ark while giving the reason to the mocking people that a flood was imminent.

Second, there was a part in the beginning of the movie when Evan, a newly elected congressman, moves his family to the D.C. area. As he and his wife get into bed, his wife shares with him what she and the children prayed that night. She asks him what he is going to pray for and he basically says that he doesn’t believe in prayer. She then says, “But you came here to Washington to change the word. Don’t you think you might need a little help from God to do this?” After she falls asleep, he gets on his knees and prays. Later in the movie, God (Morgan Freeman) is talking to Evan’s wife and shares with her how he is answering those specific prayers. It was very thought-provoking.

I also loved the part of the movie where Evan is questioning the command to build the ark and the news of the impending flood. God (Morgan Freeman) says, “Just remember, though you may not completely understand it, everything I do is because I love you!” Now that will preach. There are many times I don’t understand God’s commands or actions but I must always remember that everything He does is because He loves me.

And then I loved the end of the movie. After everything works out, God (Morgan Freeman) and Evan are talking. All throughout the movie, every time something good happens to Evan, he does this freaky little dance. As they talk, God says to Evan, “Are you ready?” Evan responds, “Ready for what?” God smiles and says, “It’s time to do the dance.” God and Evan then do this freaky little dance together as they smile and laugh. Folks, listen, that may seem blasphemous to some of you, but that is exactly how I picture God. I can see myself getting to heaven and having God say, “Well done, Scott, now lets do the dance (yes, I believe we will dance in heaven)! So at the risk of the many e-mails of criticism I am bound to receive, I highly recommend Evan Almighty.

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