What is our theme for Easter? We will be using Easter Sunday to start a brand new message series called, “LOST”! To see a video preview of this series click on the following link: mms://media16.cqservers.com/lgbc/Lost promo.wmv. On Easter Sunday we will look at the first message in this 3-week series entitled, “The Lost Planet.” This will be a look at the story of Zaccheus, the very small man in Luke 19 who climbed a tree in order to get a look at Jesus. This story ends with Jesus saying that the reason He came to earth was to “seek and save the lost.” That is the very essence of Easter. Easter will then be followed by a message on April 15 entitled, “Lost and Found.” The series will then end with a message on April 22 entitled, “When Home Seems So Far Away.”
What time will the services be? We will have three identical Easter services on Sunday, April 8. The times for our three morning services will be 7:15, 9:00 and 10:45.
Which service should I attend? You can choose the service that best fits into your holiday plans. We do encourage those of you who are Senior Citizens or who do not have young children to attend the 7:15 service in order to free up seats in our 9:00 and 10:45 services which we will have more guests attending.
Will there be nursery and a children’s program for all of the services? There will be no nursery or child-care for the 7:15 service but we will have our full and exciting nursery and children’s programs for our 9:00 and 10:45 celebrations.
Are there Youth or Adult Bible Fellowship Classes that morning? No. However, for your convenience and enjoyment, we will be providing a free continental breakfast in two different locations within our church (the youth room and the fellowship hall) from 8:30 to 10:30 that morning. As a result, we hope that you will plan to come early to one of our services or stay after the one you attend to enjoy this opportunity
What promotion have we used for Easter? We will have sent out a personal invitation letter to anyone who has had contact with our church but does not attend a church regularly. We will have also mailed out a professional invitation card to the 15,000 homes closest to the church. However, the best promotion of all is the one-on-one invitations that our church people give to others. Don’t underestimate the power there is in you personally asking someone to attend church here at Grace this Easter.
How else can I assist in making Easter a success? One of our biggest areas of concern for Easter is having enough room for parking. It would be very helpful if there were someone else in your neighborhood that you could carpool with to church that morning. Also, be sure to park in the places furthest from the building so that our guests have the opportunity to use the parking spots closer to the entrances. Be sure to smile and talk to as many people as you can that morning so that all of our guests feel our friendliness as a church. Most of all, pray. Nothing of eternal importance happens apart from prayer.
What time will the services be? We will have three identical Easter services on Sunday, April 8. The times for our three morning services will be 7:15, 9:00 and 10:45.
Which service should I attend? You can choose the service that best fits into your holiday plans. We do encourage those of you who are Senior Citizens or who do not have young children to attend the 7:15 service in order to free up seats in our 9:00 and 10:45 services which we will have more guests attending.
Will there be nursery and a children’s program for all of the services? There will be no nursery or child-care for the 7:15 service but we will have our full and exciting nursery and children’s programs for our 9:00 and 10:45 celebrations.
Are there Youth or Adult Bible Fellowship Classes that morning? No. However, for your convenience and enjoyment, we will be providing a free continental breakfast in two different locations within our church (the youth room and the fellowship hall) from 8:30 to 10:30 that morning. As a result, we hope that you will plan to come early to one of our services or stay after the one you attend to enjoy this opportunity
What promotion have we used for Easter? We will have sent out a personal invitation letter to anyone who has had contact with our church but does not attend a church regularly. We will have also mailed out a professional invitation card to the 15,000 homes closest to the church. However, the best promotion of all is the one-on-one invitations that our church people give to others. Don’t underestimate the power there is in you personally asking someone to attend church here at Grace this Easter.
How else can I assist in making Easter a success? One of our biggest areas of concern for Easter is having enough room for parking. It would be very helpful if there were someone else in your neighborhood that you could carpool with to church that morning. Also, be sure to park in the places furthest from the building so that our guests have the opportunity to use the parking spots closer to the entrances. Be sure to smile and talk to as many people as you can that morning so that all of our guests feel our friendliness as a church. Most of all, pray. Nothing of eternal importance happens apart from prayer.
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