Today’s entry is a continuation of the entry from yesterday. If you have not read yesterday’s entry, I would encourage you to do so prior to reading today’s entry.
The first event that takes place at the rapture of the church as taught in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 is the return of Christ. The Lord Himself, and no other, will return for His church. He will do so with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. Next, there will be the resurrection of the dead.
Paul has already spent the verses prior to verse 16 communicating to the believers at Thessalonica that their dead relatives who believed in Jesus would not miss out on this glorious event. He repeats those words here. Again, we see the security of the dead rising. Paul says, “The dead in Christ will rise!” Second, we are reminded of the significance of the dead rising. They won’t just rise, Paul says, “They will rise first!” And who is it that will rise? It is the dead “in Christ.” I believe that being put “in Christ” began on the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came to baptize and indwell believers (Acts 2). On that day and subsequently every time someone trusts Christ, they are placed into the Body of Christ. As a result, I believe that this resurrection only includes those believers who have died since the Day of Pentecost. The Old Testament Saints, along with those who will become believers and die during the tribulation, I believe will be resurrected at the end of the tribulation. That’s just my opinion.
The third great event will be the rapture of the living. Paul says, “We who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them.” Notice that Paul uses the pronoun, “we.” It is obvious that the Apostle expected to be alive at the time of this rapture. This is yet another indication of the fact that Jesus could come back at any time. The word “caught up” literally means to snatch or to seize (see John 10:12; 28-29). It is the idea of being suddenly taken away like would happen if you got caught up in a tornado (but, hey, we get to go to heaven…not Oz!). 1 Corinthians 15:51-57 would add that this rapture will happen quickly, in the twinkling of an eye (that is roughly about eleven one hundredths of a second) and that it will result in major change (from corruption to incorruption and from mortality to immortality…you have to read 1 John 3:2 and Philippians 3:20, 21).
And finally, it will result in the reunion of all believers. First, we will be reunited Saints! "We will be caught up together with them." That’s right! I get to see my dear Grandpa and Grandma Distler again! I get to see my Grandpa Williams again! I get to meet my Great Grandpa Smith. I get to see Laura’s grandparents that we affectionately called ‘Buddy and G.G.!’ YIPPEE! But even better than that, we will be reunited with the Lord. “We will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord in the air!” Remember, that is the best part of the rapture. The best part won’t be seeing friends and relatives that previously died. The best part won’t even be getting to go to heaven. The best part by far will be seeing Jesus! And according to Paul, it will last for all of eternity (“we shall always be with the Lord!”). No wonder John the Apostle closed the book of Revelation with the words, “Come, quickly Lord Jesus!”
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