In my blog posting yesterday I shared two of the three reasons we see in Jesus' parable of the lost sheep and the lost coin in Luke 15 as to why He built bridges to sinners and tax collectors of His day. Those two reasons were:
“Thought you would like this. Took a family walk yesterday around the neighborhood and then stopped at the school nearby to let our daughter play on the gym equipment. A little girl and her grandmother arrived and all 3 of them were on the swings together. After about a half hour we waved to our daughter to let her know it was time to go. As we are walking out of the school parking lot, our daughter says "I met a new friend. She is visiting her grandmother. I invited them to church on Easter." We said "cool, good job, etc..." and all that. Then she said "I guess that was my divine appointment for the day." She loves to take notes during the sermon on the sermon outline. I guess the things you are teaching are sinking in.”
Courageous Men's Weekend (June 16-17)
Our Elder Board here at Gaylord E-Free meets twice a month. The first Monday night of each month is our Business Meeting. The third Wednesday of each month we meet solely for prayer. Realizing that the most critical characteristic of an Elder is their ability to know and handle Scripture, we are taking up to an hour of our Business Meeting each month to discuss a portion of the Bible together that we have all studied personally on our own that previous month.
Currently, we are going through the New Testament book of Titus together. On April 2 we will discuss our findings from Titus 2:1-5. Below are the study questions I sent to our Elders here at Gaylord E-Free to prayerfully work through in advance of our meeting. Feel free to work through them for yourself!
2:1 begins with the word “but” which is a word of contrast. What is being contrasted?
2:2 speaks of “older men.” This word is used in Philemon 9 and in Luke 1:18. In each of these passages, who is being referred to as “older”? In the culture of that day, what age was this word used to describe?
In 2:2, older men in the church are to be “temperate.” What does this mean? Who else is to be “temperate” in 1 Timothy 3:2?
In 2:2, older men in the church are to be “dignified.” What does this mean? Who else is to be “dignified” in 1 Timothy 3:8?
In 2:2, older men in the church are to be “sensible.” What does this mean? Who else is to be “sensible” in Titus 1:8, Titus 2:5, Titus 2:6, and Titus 2:12? Why do you think this description is used so many times?
In 2:2, older men in the church are to be “sound” in three areas. What are these three areas and how are they distinct from each other?
2:3 speaks of “older women.” In the culture of that day, what age was this word used to describe (see also 1 Timothy 5:9)?
In 2:3, older women in the church are to be “reverent in their behavior.” What does this mean?
In 2:3, older women in the church are to refrain from being “malicious gossips.” What does this mean? The term “malicious gossips” comes from the Greek word meaning “slanderer or false accuser.” This same exact word that is used 3 times in the New Testament translated “malicious gossips” is also used 34 times in the New Testament referring to Satan as “the devil” (read also Revelation 12:9-10). What does this say about the sin of gossip? Read also 1 Timothy 3:11 and 1 Timothy 5:11-13? Who is warned against gossip in these passages? Why do you think Paul singles out women in three different passages when speaking of gossip?
In 2:3, older women are to be “teaching what is good.” As you move on into v4, who are they to be teaching? What seven things are they to teach them? Define each of them.
According to the ending of 2:5, why is it so important that older women in the church model these characteristics; that older women in the church teach these characteristics to younger women in the church ; and that younger women in the church live out these characteristics?
Dear Brother Scott,
My name is Heyler Rodriquez and my wife is Lorenzana Cruz de Rodriguez.
We have three children, Raquel, Virginia, and Jairo and 5 grandchildren in total.
Since 2001 we have been pastoring the Verbo Sur Church which is located in a neighborhood called ‘Colinas del Memorial Sandino’ which is in the southern part of the capital city of Managua.
The church is in a very poor community where there is much need and many children and adolescents at high risk. This was the principal reason for us establishing a church in this community.
The church has about 80 adult members and 200 children who arrive both to our feeding program that’s offered Monday through Friday and to Sunday School. We also have 15 children in the Child Development Center (that is financed thanks to donations from Gaylord Church).
Twice a year we offer medical attention to the 200 children and we also help provide the necessary medications.
It is a good group of children and from the parents of these children we are also seeing fruit. During the month of February we were blessed to have 11 adolescents and 3 adults give their lives to Christ. Those 13 have now been baptized.
We have been doing some remodeling of the church with the goal of providing a better location within the church for our 15 children in the CDC.
We thank God for each of you and that our churches have entered into a partnership. We pray that we would be able to spread the kingdom of God to our community in the best way possible.
Pastor Jairo
I get the opportunity somewhat regularly to write a "Pastor's Perspective" in one of our local newspapers here in northern Michigan. When this happens, the editor of that section of the paper calls me and gives me a question to answer. He then interviews other people in the community and publishes their perspectives as well. Today's edition was one of those opportunities. The questions was, "What gives us our credibility when we talk about Jesus?" Below is my perspective:
In Act 1:8, followers of Jesus are commanded by the Lord to be His “witnesses.” In other words, we are to talk to others about Jesus. But what gives us the credibility to do so? To answer that question, simply look at who Jesus was talking to when He originally gave this command. He was talking to His disciples and a few other followers right before He ascended back into heaven. What gave them the credibility to do what Jesus said?
It wasn’t their perfection! Not one of them was perfect. Even the most prominent of Jesus’ followers, Peter, had denied His Lord three times just a few weeks earlier. Living perfect lives does not give us credibility to talk to people about Jesus.
It wasn’t their education! They were untrained and ignorant when it came to religion. Many of them were simple fishermen. One of them was even a former tax collector. There wasn’t a theology degree in the bunch. Education does not give us credibility to talk to people about Jesus.
It wasn’t their popularity! Jesus was popular up to a point…but then the people turned on Him and cried out for His crucifixion. These followers of Jesus were not widely known. People weren’t clamoring to become their friend. Our popularity does not give us credibility to talk to people about Jesus!
If it wasn’t their perfection, their education or their popularity that gave them the credibility, then what did? It was the simple fact that their lives had been changed because they had spent time with Jesus. That’s where the credibility comes from. These men and women had gotten to know Jesus and believed the truth of who He was – the Messiah. As a result, they were not the same. They weren’t perfect. They didn’t know it all. They didn’t have a big following, but no one could refute the fact that their lives had been changed after being with Jesus.
You may not be perfect (none of us are!). You may not have a theology degree. The world may not have a clue who you even are. But if your life has been changed because of your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, you have all the credibility you need to talk about Jesus to others!
Yesterday we introduced what Easter will look like here at Gaylord E-Free! If you are a part of our church, what is the best way that you can prepare for Easter which is juts three weeks from this Sunday?
1. PRAY! Nothing of eternal importance happens apart from prayer. Pray that God would give us 1500 in attendance; pray for all who will be involved on stage as well as our techs and first impressions teams; pray that all of the technology would work without a hitch; pray for good weather; pray for people who are being invited to attend; pray for lost people to come to know Christ; pray for people who have wandered from God to return to the Lord.
2. SERVE! Because we are having two services on Easter the needs for Nursery and Children’s Workers will double. The good news is that with two services, you can serve one service and attend the other. This way no one has to miss the Easter celebration in the Gospel Center. To volunteer to serve in the nursery or children’s program on Easter please contact the church office.
3. INVITE! Studies show that the #1 reason that people come to church is because someone they know personally invites them. The only way we are going to see 1500 people attend on Easter is if each of us takes seriously our need to invite others to join us here at E-Free. I want to encourage each person in our church to think of at least three people that you personally know that you could invite to Easter. Think through this list:
· What family member could you invite?
· What neighbor could you invite?
· What co-worker could you invite?
· What classmate could you invite?
· What friend could you invite?
· What acquaintance could you invite?
· What person at a local business where you eat or shop could you invite?
If you are part of Gaylord E-Free, you will soon be receiving a letter in the mail regarding Easter which will include two “Eye Chart” style personal invite cards for you to use to invite others you know to one of our Easter services. Please use them! We will have extras that are also available in the church office and in the Connection Area outside the Gospel Center. Don’t say someone’s “no” for them. You just may be surprised which person you invite that actually shows up on Easter morning. It could just change their eternity!
“He is not here! He has risen!” Are these not some of the most exciting and victorious words ever spoken? We are now gearing up here at Gaylord E-Free Church for Resurrection Sunday which is April 8 (just three weeks from this Sunday). Below, in a Q&A format, are all the details you need to know about Easter 2012 here at Gaylord E-Free Church!
What time will our worship be on Easter? Instead of our usual two service format (Contemporary and Classic) we will be having two identical services this Easter in the Gospel Center. The first service will be at 9am and the second service at 11am. Each service will last 75 minutes in length.
How many people are we expecting for Easter? We have set a prayer goal of seeing 1500 people between the two services. Please join us in praying that God would allow us to reach that goal for His honor and His glory. What a great opportunity this will be for us as a church to meet as many people as possible right where they are at and help move them to where God wants them to be.
What will the theme be for Easter? Our theme will be “Seeing Easter” as we look at the resurrection account in John’s Gospel, noticing three different times that the word “saw” is used. Each time the word has a different meaning. We will be ending by asking the question, “How do you see Easter?”
Will there be nursery and a children’s program on Easter? Yes! Our full nursery will be available during both worship services. Likewise, there will be a very exciting Children’s program in the gymnasium and chapel during both services. Unlike most Sundays, the children’s program during each service will begin from the very beginning (9am and 11am). Children will not be dismissed during the worship services.
What creative elements will be involved in our Easter worship service? From the moment you drive into the church driveways there will be people outside and inside of the church that will be looking “through” or “at” different items. This will allow us to create curiosity and introduce the theme of “seeing” before the service even starts. The stage will be designed with a very contemporary look that will communicate a celebratory mindset with many lights and colors. We also have other special elements to the service that we are planning. It should be a very exciting morning.
Will there be an Easter breakfast? No! But along with the coffee that we provide in the Connection Area each Sunday we will also have complimentary refreshments available.
Are there any special instructions regarding parking? With two services and 45 minutes in between each service, we should have no problem having enough parking. We would ask, however, that all who are physically able park in the lots closest to the radio station on the west end and the bus barns on the east end so that we save the most prominent spots for the many guests we will have that morning.