Laura and I spent Sunday in the Philly area. We had received a gift card to PF Changs (one of our newest favorite restaurants) for Christmas and since the closest one was in Philly, we decided to head east for the day.
I got on the Internet to see what churches were located near the restaurant locations (there are 2 PF Changs in the Philly area) and found a church that looked appealing...and it was. This church meets in a Middle School and is very contemporary. I was amazed at the amount of hours they must spend and the work they must put into their set-up and tear-down. From the children's area to the welcome area to the stage area - it was all very professional and very well done. They certainly get an "A" for that angle of their first impressions.
There current sermon theme is called "Toxic" and so the stage was set up accordingly. The lights, sound and even smoke machines added to the effect. Their worship leader and band were very contemporary and did a real nice job of leading in worship. Each song, though I did not recognize most of them, had a message that pointed squarely on truth about God that was very powerful and encouraging. The laid back, causal feel of the service was very inviting for a first-time guest. We had several people stop and take an interest in us - enough to make us feel welcomed but no so over-bearing that we felt smothered.
The Lead Pastor is from Chicago. He didn't preach this weekend due to his wife expecting to deliver their 6th child. An older (compared to the Lead Pastor and Worship Leader) staff member did the speaking and talked on "Toxic Religion." His definition of "Toxic Religion" was any practice, belief or behavior that attempts to earn the love of God. His communication style was very conversational, yet interesting. He did a great job showing the danger of our thinking we can somehow earn God's love. The only thing I was disappointed with in his message was his final take away points. Though they were good principles I wasn't exactly sure how they completely fit the idea of staying away from "Toxic Religion." I thought maybe it was just me, but Laura missed the connection as well. All in all, however, it was still a great service!
I'd love to go back some time and hear their lead pastor speak. I think he is from Chicago. He seems to have a lot of vision and desires to see the church grow to 1013 by the year 2013. From the looks of it, I think they'll make it. I get excited anytime I see a church that truly has a vision and is going somewhere for the Lord. After all, I still believe that the local church is the hope of the world because we have the only message that can alter a person's life for eternity.
After the service we hit PF Changs! I love that place, especially their famous lettuce wrap appetizer which is pictured above! I could make a whole meal just out of that! After lunch, we then went over to the King of Prussia Mall for a few hours. Sunday in Philly - kinda nice!
I got on the Internet to see what churches were located near the restaurant locations (there are 2 PF Changs in the Philly area) and found a church that looked appealing...and it was. This church meets in a Middle School and is very contemporary. I was amazed at the amount of hours they must spend and the work they must put into their set-up and tear-down. From the children's area to the welcome area to the stage area - it was all very professional and very well done. They certainly get an "A" for that angle of their first impressions.
There current sermon theme is called "Toxic" and so the stage was set up accordingly. The lights, sound and even smoke machines added to the effect. Their worship leader and band were very contemporary and did a real nice job of leading in worship. Each song, though I did not recognize most of them, had a message that pointed squarely on truth about God that was very powerful and encouraging. The laid back, causal feel of the service was very inviting for a first-time guest. We had several people stop and take an interest in us - enough to make us feel welcomed but no so over-bearing that we felt smothered.
The Lead Pastor is from Chicago. He didn't preach this weekend due to his wife expecting to deliver their 6th child. An older (compared to the Lead Pastor and Worship Leader) staff member did the speaking and talked on "Toxic Religion." His definition of "Toxic Religion" was any practice, belief or behavior that attempts to earn the love of God. His communication style was very conversational, yet interesting. He did a great job showing the danger of our thinking we can somehow earn God's love. The only thing I was disappointed with in his message was his final take away points. Though they were good principles I wasn't exactly sure how they completely fit the idea of staying away from "Toxic Religion." I thought maybe it was just me, but Laura missed the connection as well. All in all, however, it was still a great service!
I'd love to go back some time and hear their lead pastor speak. I think he is from Chicago. He seems to have a lot of vision and desires to see the church grow to 1013 by the year 2013. From the looks of it, I think they'll make it. I get excited anytime I see a church that truly has a vision and is going somewhere for the Lord. After all, I still believe that the local church is the hope of the world because we have the only message that can alter a person's life for eternity.
After the service we hit PF Changs! I love that place, especially their famous lettuce wrap appetizer which is pictured above! I could make a whole meal just out of that! After lunch, we then went over to the King of Prussia Mall for a few hours. Sunday in Philly - kinda nice!