Danger #1 – ARROGANCE
What does Scripture say in the book of Proverbs? Pride comes before the what? Pride comes before the fall. If there ever was something that could bring our ministry to a grinding halt it is arrogance among our staff. I see two sources of arrogance.
One source of arrogance is knowledge. Paul wrote that “knowledge puffs up”. I see that frequently, especially in the ranks of seminary students and bloggers. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying seminaries and the blogging world is of the devil. I graduated from seminary and I have written over 1100 blog postings. But one thing I have noticed is that the more we learn about theology the more we tend to develop this, “I am always right and everyone else is always wrong” mind-set. Suddenly, we become self-imposed experts who believe God has called us to publicly point out everyone else’s errors and seek to get everyone to cross all of their spiritual “t’s” and dot all of their spiritual “i’s” just like we do. We often make the mistake of equating theological knowledge with theological superiority. That is a form of arrogance.
But as much as knowledge can lead to pride and arrogance, so can success. Can I remind all of us on staff here at Grace Church of a very big principle? At the risk of hurting your feelings, let me just say it. Our church is not growing because of you!! Okay, let me repeat it. Our church is not growing because of you!! In case you don’t get it, let me be more specific:
Our church is not growing because of Whitie Willard!
Our church is not growing because of Tim Auld!
Our church is not growing because of Steve Burghart!
Our church is not growing because of Matt McElravy!
Our church is not growing because of Doug Kegarise!
Our church is not growing because of Susan Auld!
Our church is not growing because of Rick Bernhardt!
Our church is not growing because of any one part-time ministry staff member!
Our church is not growing because of any on support staff member!
Our church is not growing because of any educational staff member!
And let me make this very clear…our church is not growing because of me!! Let me say that again. Our church is not growing because Scott Distler is the Senior Pastor.
If any of us thinks Grace Church is growing because of us we are looking through a huge cloud of smoke and cannot see clearly. It is Jesus that builds the church! Why? Because it is His church! We’ve had a lot of success here at Grace and as a result it would be easy to begin to think we are something and have the corner on the market when it comes to church ministry. But we don’t. It isn’t our success…It’s His! Let’s never forget that. More tomorrow.
What does Scripture say in the book of Proverbs? Pride comes before the what? Pride comes before the fall. If there ever was something that could bring our ministry to a grinding halt it is arrogance among our staff. I see two sources of arrogance.
One source of arrogance is knowledge. Paul wrote that “knowledge puffs up”. I see that frequently, especially in the ranks of seminary students and bloggers. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying seminaries and the blogging world is of the devil. I graduated from seminary and I have written over 1100 blog postings. But one thing I have noticed is that the more we learn about theology the more we tend to develop this, “I am always right and everyone else is always wrong” mind-set. Suddenly, we become self-imposed experts who believe God has called us to publicly point out everyone else’s errors and seek to get everyone to cross all of their spiritual “t’s” and dot all of their spiritual “i’s” just like we do. We often make the mistake of equating theological knowledge with theological superiority. That is a form of arrogance.
But as much as knowledge can lead to pride and arrogance, so can success. Can I remind all of us on staff here at Grace Church of a very big principle? At the risk of hurting your feelings, let me just say it. Our church is not growing because of you!! Okay, let me repeat it. Our church is not growing because of you!! In case you don’t get it, let me be more specific:
Our church is not growing because of Whitie Willard!
Our church is not growing because of Tim Auld!
Our church is not growing because of Steve Burghart!
Our church is not growing because of Matt McElravy!
Our church is not growing because of Doug Kegarise!
Our church is not growing because of Susan Auld!
Our church is not growing because of Rick Bernhardt!
Our church is not growing because of any one part-time ministry staff member!
Our church is not growing because of any on support staff member!
Our church is not growing because of any educational staff member!
And let me make this very clear…our church is not growing because of me!! Let me say that again. Our church is not growing because Scott Distler is the Senior Pastor.
If any of us thinks Grace Church is growing because of us we are looking through a huge cloud of smoke and cannot see clearly. It is Jesus that builds the church! Why? Because it is His church! We’ve had a lot of success here at Grace and as a result it would be easy to begin to think we are something and have the corner on the market when it comes to church ministry. But we don’t. It isn’t our success…It’s His! Let’s never forget that. More tomorrow.