Over the month of December we have used our Sunday mornings here at Grace Church to study the exciting topic of angels in a series we have called, “AIM: Angelic Instant Messengers.” The first two Sundays we answered many questions about angels in general. The two Sundays before Christmas we saw the role that the angels played in the Christmas story. Last Sunday we ended our study by seeing how angels were involved in the earthly life and ministry of Jesus Christ. For example:
They worshipped Him (Hebrews 1:6)
They were made by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:17)
They predicted His birth (Matthew 1:20, 21; Luke 1:31)
They announced His birth (Luke 2:9-13
They helped protect Him (Psalm 91:11; Matthew 2:13)
They ministered to Him in the wilderness (Matthew 4:11)
They ministered to Him in the garden (Luke 22:43)
They rolled away the tombstone (Matthew 28:2)
They announced His resurrection (Matthew 28:6)
They predicted His Second Coming (Acts 1:10, 11)
They will accompany Him at the Second Coming (2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8)
They are in total subjection to Him (1 Peter 3:22)
Over the months of January and February we will be taking eight weeks to study through the book of Malachi which is the last Old Testament book in your Bible. Throughout this book, God speaks through the prophet Malachi, rebuking the priests and people of Israel for their half-hearted worship of Him. The same elements that kept Israel from authentic worship back then often keep us from authentic worship today. In fact, we may even have a greater problem with these issues because we live in such a fast food culture that our “get it done quick” approach to life has also transferred over to our worship. That is why we will be calling this new series, “McWorship: Authentic Worship in a Fast-Food Culture.” So stop by the Golden Arches this Sunday morning and grab an Egg McMuffin to prepare yourself as we kick off this new and exciting series this Sunday morning, January 6, with a message from Malachi 1:1-5 that will be entitled, “I’m Lovin’ It!”
They worshipped Him (Hebrews 1:6)
They were made by Him and for Him (Colossians 1:17)
They predicted His birth (Matthew 1:20, 21; Luke 1:31)
They announced His birth (Luke 2:9-13
They helped protect Him (Psalm 91:11; Matthew 2:13)
They ministered to Him in the wilderness (Matthew 4:11)
They ministered to Him in the garden (Luke 22:43)
They rolled away the tombstone (Matthew 28:2)
They announced His resurrection (Matthew 28:6)
They predicted His Second Coming (Acts 1:10, 11)
They will accompany Him at the Second Coming (2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8)
They are in total subjection to Him (1 Peter 3:22)
Over the months of January and February we will be taking eight weeks to study through the book of Malachi which is the last Old Testament book in your Bible. Throughout this book, God speaks through the prophet Malachi, rebuking the priests and people of Israel for their half-hearted worship of Him. The same elements that kept Israel from authentic worship back then often keep us from authentic worship today. In fact, we may even have a greater problem with these issues because we live in such a fast food culture that our “get it done quick” approach to life has also transferred over to our worship. That is why we will be calling this new series, “McWorship: Authentic Worship in a Fast-Food Culture.” So stop by the Golden Arches this Sunday morning and grab an Egg McMuffin to prepare yourself as we kick off this new and exciting series this Sunday morning, January 6, with a message from Malachi 1:1-5 that will be entitled, “I’m Lovin’ It!”